Anyone catch the Sabbat show in Mokena last night?

I forgot about that show. Would have gone if it was on a weekend. Not a huge Sabbat fan but a huge Skyclad fan and would love to see Martin live. I heard he is funny live because he goes on all these anti religious rants and stuff. I wonder who else played? there was zero press for this show. Did it even happen?
Yesterday I saw a bulletin on myspace that said "Print this out and get in for FREE, up to 3 friends!".
Probably not a big draw.
john went....said Sabbat killed, Sneap was on fire....however,
the turnout was quite sad....maybe 50 people....the band still
delivered the goods like it was a packed house, though, kudos
to them!
I don't get it...
Why the hell does Pearl Room book all these shows and fail to advertise the complete line up?

It seems like with almost every PR show, we all ask the day of, "Anyone know who is on the bill"????

Maybe for some shows, the company who does booking for the PR gets such a good deal on the band that they aren't as concerned of the turnout.

Either way, with all the locals they book, you would think the PR could benefit if they too helped promote ALL the bands who play the venue.

They have an opportunity to create a "scene" if you will.
Well, I had a blast last night seeing the band responsible for my third favorite album of all time. There were only about 100 people at the venue, but Sabbat put on an energetic and enthusiastic show. Andy Sneap had a smile on his face almost the entire time he was on stage. I think he was glad to get out of the studio for a bit. One of the very nondescript local bands implored "Mr. Sneap" to produce their next album. Maybe that's what put Andy into such a good humor. Martin Walkyier was a compelling frontman, and he sounded great belting out lyrics he wrote 20 years ago. The remaining three band members (the Simons and the charmingly named fill-in bassist Gizz Butt) also performed well, but my attention was focused on Martin and Andy. I was into the performance from the first note, but it took me a few songs to get past the awe I felt watching these guys play 10 feet in front of me. Initially, the band was probably 15 feet away from me, but I think all the spittle flying from my mouth as I shouted out lyrics inspired the two girls in front of me to relocate, allowing me to spit on the front row of bangers who were too into the show to notice. I was not concerned because I knew Neil would have my back as long he wasn't too into one of his many bouts of pogo-jumping or kung fu fighting.

As cynical as Martin is, he impressed me with his optimism when he encouraged us to spread the Sabbat gospel such that they could come back to the US and play for 20,000 screaming fans at a festival. I can only assume he wants to open for or perhaps co-headline with U2. I've always loved Martin's lyrics in Sabbat as well as early Skyclad, and it was interesting to me how well these songs about a monk trying to convert pagans translated well to much broader, modern concepts. He introduced "The Best of Enemies", one of my favorite songs ever, with a brief anti-Bush screed, and damned if the song suddenly seemed totally applicable to current events. Worthwhile lyrics are very rare in music, and Martin is one of the best writers to put pen to paper. The only slight disappointment I felt regarding lyrics was that some of them were left out of a few of the Dreamweaver tracks. "The Clerical Conspiracy" chorus was not repeated, but just sung once each verse, which was not a big deal. Whole passages, however, were left out of "The Best of Enemies". I understood omitting "Drawn to the spirits like moths to a flame - when there is no risk then there can be no gain" because it is whispered in the original, but dropping it hurt as I dearly love that line. The two longer passages that were omitted are reproduced below for those few who would actually give a shit. The second set of prose is another favorite of mine.

The values that you hold so dear
(all your laws and rules),
They hold no more sway here
Than the mutterings of fools.
Just look about you and I'm sure that you will find -
Heaven lies within our hearts
And Hell is but a figment of your mind.

Shaven-headed servant of an infantile faith -
By what right do you presume
To come and try to take my place?
If there is one grain of truth amidst your hoard of lies,
'tis "Love your neighbour as yourself"
With this alone I can abide.

I was happy to purchase a Dreamweaver shirt with more of my favorite lyrics, again from "The Best of Enemies", on the back:

When living your life like an arrow in flight
You must always accept that the end is in sight,
Be grateful at least for the fact that you knew
you came to death - it did not come for you.

I wanted to shake Martin's and Andy's hands after the show and congratulate them. I also wanted to ask Martin where he buys his gauntlets. I already know where to get eyeliner. Anyway, when the show ended, an announcer stated that Sabbat would be available for the VIP ticketholders in 25 minutes. I was hoping they would just mill about at the bar for awhile, which maybe they did later, but I did not want to wait around. I did not get to express my gratitude to the band directly, so I will say it here. Thanks for making the trip, lads. You put on an awesome show and made one long-time fan very happy.

Set list:

Intro (instrumental)
A Cautionary Tale
Hosanna in Excelsis
The Clerical Conspiracy
Behind the Crooked Cross
Do Dark Horses Dream of Nightmares?
I For An Eye
The Best of Enemies
How Have the Mighty Fallen?
The Church Bizarre


For Those Who Died

Opening bands:


Bloodstream Parade

Diamond Plate

I did not care for the first two, but I liked Diamond Plate, although I have no idea what their name means, and they looked to be about 12 years old. Unoriginal but decent old school thrash. Some nice riffage. Boring drummer. Bassist looks like Dan Lilker Jr. I bought their CD (a split with another band).
I don't get it...
Why the hell does Pearl Room book all these shows and fail to advertise the complete line up?

It seems like with almost every PR show, we all ask the day of, "Anyone know who is on the bill"????

Maybe for some shows, the company who does booking for the PR gets such a good deal on the band that they aren't as concerned of the turnout.

Either way, with all the locals they book, you would think the PR could benefit if they too helped promote ALL the bands who play the venue.

They have an opportunity to create a "scene" if you will.


I guess I don't quite agree...what do you expect PR to do? Have a commercial on Fox right before American Idol? :lol:

Sabbat is NOT on tour...only doing a few select one-off shows in only major tour package. The PR promoted it no different than all the other shows...except for the Powerfest of course cuz they have us. ;) Appararently, the PR thought that the veterans Sabbat could do better...obviously hardly anyone really cares about "Andy Sneap's" band...only his production/studio skills. ;)

Now, as far as the local bands are concerned...don't even get me started...haha...but since you brought it up...the purpose from a venue's standpoint to put locals on a show is for THE BANDS to help promote the show...which in this case FAILED miserably!!! I don't remember seeing anything from any of these bands that they were playing with Sabbat...didn't even see their flyers at the PR, which should be a no brainer...and THEIR responsibility...NOT the PR's.

Therefore, IMO, they no longer deserve those types of opportunities. And Internet only promo doesn't mean DICK!! Bands no longer pound the pavement like they used to...Myspace sucks cocks in hell now for band promo...too fucking saturated. I haven't checked out an event invitation for over 6 months (sorry guys if you tried inviting me...:lol:). Event invites have become nothing more than spam now. Bands need to flyer whereever they can to help the show they're playing...and just plain be PRESENT/SEEN at various shows leading up to their make it look like they're actually a fucking part of this scene. That's also how they get future me, people see who's out there promoting & who isn't. If given an opportunity...however small, they should run with it! SOOOO many bands out there where you NEVER see their faces at shows unless they're playing. FAIL!!!

And since we're on the subject & you got me started...haha...A HUGE pet peeve of mine regarding local bands...any band for that when they're given any opportunity, they then think they can just ride the wave...BULLSHIT!! When given an opportunity, that means you need to start working HARDER to show/prove you deserve it...that in turn will also help get more opps. This is also a HUGE problem with the majority of bands getting signed to labels...most of them think that as soon as they get signed, their jobs are done & their label/agent/manager does all the work then...FAHK THAT & FAHK THEM!! :heh:

So to address your's not the job of the venue to promote the's the local bands' OBLIGATION to promote the show!!!!

And what "opportunity" for a "scene" are you talking about?! They already HAVE a scene...obviously you haven't noticed, but the PR now get at least 80% of the metal shows the HoB used they're definitely doing something right!

Sorry for the rant, but as you guys know...I'm very passionate about this band/promo subject!! :saint:

<stepping down from soapbox> :lol:
Rob, I agree with EVERYTHING you said 100%
It is just as much the band's responsibility as the venue's to promote the gig.

Though, as Pate says, the Pearl Room RARELY advertises the local openers of a gig, unless those bands are booked very early in the process. I mean, look at the upcoming Candlemass gig. Could be one of the biggest gigs of the year. It was booked months ago. Plenty of time to lock down a solid opening band and advertise the hell out of it to make a great show. JAXX for example added Twisted Tower Dire to the gig.

So...while I agree it is the local band's responsibility to promote, I think the venue (and I am only using PR as an example, HOB, Metro, etc are just as guilty) should look at opportunities for turning good shows into great shows.

Maybe the venues don't know what local or even midwest bands would be good fits for headliners that roll through town.

There are SO many choices for gigs these days.
You can't always rely on just one headliner and non-announced local bands to fill the venue.
Biggest of the year? Candlemass??? Yeah right.

Funny, because if the Pearl Room asked your band to play, you would immediately become a fan.....

This is the first full Candlemass US tour in a very long time.
My point is that the Pearl Room has ample time to put together a killer lineup.
No reason a club can't think outside the box and try to book even a non-local for a gig.

Add Novembers Doom and Macabre to that show, and you have a party! :headbang:
Funny, because if the Pearl Room asked your band to play, you would immediately become a fan.....

This is the first full Candlemass US tour in a very long time.
My point is that the Pearl Room has ample time to put together a killer lineup.
No reason a club can't think outside the box and try to book even a non-local for a gig.

Add Novembers Doom and Macabre to that show, and you have a party! :headbang:

Nice personal shot there buddy.
I don't think this will draw more then say...the Symphony X show that I saw last Sunday, I also don't think it'll draw as say....the Iron Maiden show @ Allstate in June, or the Priest, Heaven and Hell show either. Right?
I know it's wishfull thinking on your part, I would actually attend if I didn't already have plans that night.
Also, I will attend a record amount of shows for me this year, but I highly consider this one of the "biggest".
And what "opportunity" for a "scene" are you talking about?! They already HAVE a scene...obviously you haven't noticed, but the PR now get at least 80% of the metal shows the HoB used they're definitely doing something right!

<stepping down from soapbox> :lol:

I agree...but the Pearl Room from what I heard outbids most clubs for metal shows.

I will post my opinion after work on this topic.
I'm not trying to wind you up or anything, but couldn't the PR at least put the openers names on their Myspace page? "Sabbat w/ X, Y, and Z - April 15" instead of just "Sabbat - April 15".

Although I guess X, Y, and Z aren't going to bring in much anyway.

They should do this simply so people can know how many bands to expect before the touring package. One? Four? If one of the bands I know about is opening, I'll probably know about it already, but I'd still like to know how many *other* bands to expect. This isn't promotion, it's just providing information to your paying customers.
