Anyone catch the Sabbat show in Mokena last night?

And since we're on the subject & you got me started...haha...A HUGE pet peeve of mine regarding local bands...any band for that when they're given any opportunity, they then think they can just ride the wave...BULLSHIT!! When given an opportunity, that means you need to start working HARDER to show/prove you deserve it...

You mean like playing for longer than one hour for a headlining set? :)
Nice personal shot there buddy.
I don't think this will draw more then say...the Symphony X show that I saw last Sunday, I also don't think it'll draw as say....the Iron Maiden show @ Allstate in June, or the Priest, Heaven and Hell show either. Right?
I know it's wishfull thinking on your part, I would actually attend if I didn't already have plans that night.
Also, I will attend a record amount of shows for me this year, but I highly consider this one of the "biggest".

I think he meant at the Pearl Room, so the Maiden and H&H shows don't really count.

But the last two Symphony X shows have been pretty well crowded there. It's good to see.
First off.....the Pearl Room is responsible for advertising thier shows and getting the word out. They really need to start putting ads in the Reader so city folks who have no clue it exist can know there are shows there. How can anyone say it isnt thier responsibility not to advertise???? It is like saying that you are opening a restraunt and get mad that no one comes to eat need to get the word out. I work in the advertising world....I have a bit of history with this type of thing. Local acts who are opening are to blame too. Rob, I totally agree with you 100% when it comes to online advertising and putting the word out. How many times can you see a zillion...."hey we are playing this weekend" type evites and stuff and worse on the myspace Bullitens. Bands and clubs need to put up flyers, put ads in Illinios Entertainer and stuff like The Reader. People like us who are online and make it a part of our lives are a small percentage.

I agree with bands need to really make themselves known. Meet people and promoters and others who are involved locally. It is the best way to get shows and meet other bands. Nothing is worse than a band who pops up and is on a decent size show and you find out they are local and are like...I have never seen these guys at shows ever. Not that you recognize every person at shows, but if you go to enough shows you start remembering faces.

Local acts need to also go to shows to hand out flyers after the show and meet people and get the word out. Even pass out demos with the flyers. Anything to reach even 10 people. If you are able to at least talk to a few people about the show and your band...odds are maybe a few will show up to see you. I think Rob is right. bands get very lazy. Everyone has that philosophy that...hey! there is a metal show....people should go because it is a show. That isnt how it works. I hate the finger pointing that happens when there is a empty show. Not everyone can go to every show. Plus with the distance to the Pearl Room for some, it is a turn off. I think people are also lazy with booking is like. "Headliner Act" is in town....instead of looking for bands that would work well with that band or even try to get bands from around that area who might seems that there is a hat with all the local acts names in it and someone just picks 3 and that is the show. I am glad to see that The Chasm got added to the Possesed show. Someone was thinking there. If they got someone like Nactmystism or Macabre to play or even Maggot Twat. It would be a show that might be more inviting to people on the fence.

Also....clubs need to stop packing on all these openers. I miss the days of one or two bands was a stretch before the headliner. Now it seems that they are just packing on locals hoping to draw more of thier freinds in to make money. That Finntroll show went waaaaayyyyy to long before they came on.

Also....local acts need to really rehearse and get tight way before playing any live show. Like we have talked about here before...dont pander to your 10 freinds who showed up and try to have winty banter on stage. 99% of the are not funny. Also...dont go for cheap applause with announncing "headlining act" is coming up soon. We all know. I think a band who is just getting started and not really ready to play live and who jump at the first chance to play live in a real setting, like the Pearl Room or Metro, can really hurt themselves by playing sloppy. People will remember it.

Having shows at the Pearl Room isnt a scene. It is just a place for shows.
A scene involves more than that.

It is nice to see that most everyone agrees with each other on this is a rare thing here.
A few things...

There were 100 people (+/- 10) there. I know, because I counted. That's about 4 rows of fairly dense packing up front, and then middle density all the way to the back of the stage area.

It really reminded me of the first Iced Earth show here at Jackhammer's in 1997. Just a small group of fans in a mostly-empty room, but those fans were ALL die-hards (well, except for me!) I walked around during Sabbat's 3rd song, and all the non-stage areas were absolutely devoid of people. There wasn't a soul sitting at the bar. I've never seen anything like it. Even better, throughout the whole set, no one drifted away; there were just as many people there at the end as there were at the beginning. So it didn't really "feel" like a small crowd at all.

So would more promotion have helped in this case? From Sabbat's emotional perspective, probably not much. Those additional people would have been mostly at the bar, or standing bored in the back. From their financial perspective, I don't does it work these days? Do bands usually get a flat fee, or do they get a cut of the door?

But yeah, it's absolutely moronic for the Pearl Room to not at least list the openers on their website. Unless their strategy is to "trick" people into coming early, and thus get them to buy a lot more beer as they wait for the headliner to come on. If so, that rather failed here, because hardly anyone was drinking.

I wouldn't say that it's the Pearl Room's "responsibility" to advertise. They're only responsible to themselves, and if they're fine with the turnouts that they get, then who can tell them to do anything different?

This was the first show I've been to in years that has had more than one local opener. I must be going to the wrong shows, because most that I go to have 0 or 1, with 0 even being more common than 1 these days. And how do the financials work for local openers? Pay-to-play, play for free, or do they actually get paid?

Finally, they were running an entrepreneurial $3-for-in/out smoker's-wristband policy. Is that new, or have they been doing that all year? Most importantly, is that something that can be done to enable in/outs at the Powerfest?

And how do the financials work for local openers? Pay-to-play, play for free, or do they actually get paid?

No pay to play, you get paid with the merch you sell (unless I missed something).

Finally, they were running an entrepreneurial $3-for-in/out smoker's-wristband policy. Is that new, or have they been doing that all year? Most importantly, is that something that can be done to enable in/outs at the Powerfest?

Last Sunday was the first time I heard about this. I think it's great for people that must smoke during the show but like Will said it's going to take away from the "perks" of sponsorship. I don't smoke so I could care less.
@ Saladbar - Wasn't a "cheap shot". Just stating the obvious that you wouldn't have made the comment if your band was playing. And of course you can't compare Candlemass to Maiden or H&H. I meant for a Pearl Room type of gig. If I was promoting a band like Candlemass, you better believe I would turn it into a party, and not just rely on them alone to fill the room.

@ Skyrefuge - Each band / booking agent is different. From my personal experience (though these were mostly with the bigger booking agents for punk / hardcore bands), most want a flat fee + a % of the door, after expenses. I have heard HOB simply pays a flat fee for the package. That is why you see so many free tickets for the HOB. They offer a price they know they could afford (or afford to take a loss on). They just want butts in the venue, as butts in the venue = alcohol sales which will generate more revenue than ticket sales anyhow.
It really reminded me of the first Iced Earth show here at Jackhammer's in 1997. Just a small group of fans in a mostly-empty room, but those fans were ALL die-hards (well, except for me!) I walked around during Sabbat's 3rd song, and all the non-stage areas were absolutely devoid of people. There wasn't a soul sitting at the bar. I've never seen anything like it. Even better, throughout the whole set, no one drifted away; there were just as many people there at the end as there were at the beginning. So it didn't really "feel" like a small crowd at all.

Spmetimes those are the best shows. I would rather see a band play for 50 die-hard fans who are totally into it than 300 people standing there just doing nothing. It is are at a show....have fun. Like at Sonata at the Metro....there were more people text messaging than watching the show it seemed.
Kataklysm at the Bottom Lounge was like this. Small ass crowd but all of them were die hards. It was a fun show....even for it being like 3 PM.
Kataklysm at the Bottom Lounge was like this. Small ass crowd but all of them were die hards. It was a fun show....even for it being like 3 PM.

Yeah, that short run of great metal shows at BOTTOM LOUNGE was a blast.
I agree.. Not greatly attended, but EVERYONE who was there wanted to be there. What shows did we see? Kataklysm record release, and I think a Kataklysm / Dying Fetus show, and Macabre.. Maybe some others.
I think it is a great idea to have the three dollar wristbands. I am not a smoker but is a great way to make a quick buck off of those who smoke. They ought to just have a little place where you have to stand when you are smoking so you cant wander off, so for people who are V.I.P.'s still have that perk of being able to go off somewhere else while a band they dont want too see are on or have to watch a TV show or something.
I'm not trying to wind you up or anything, but couldn't the PR at least put the openers names on their Myspace page? "Sabbat w/ X, Y, and Z - April 15" instead of just "Sabbat - April 15".

Although I guess X, Y, and Z aren't going to bring in much anyway.

I'm assuming that you already know this, but if you click on the MySpace page show listing link to get more details about the show, you might actually find more who else is playing. For example, click on Heaven Shall Burn and you get another page that says: All ages, W/ Embrace The End, The Ghost Inside.

I'm not saying that this is true for all shows listed....but it might give you a little bit more info...
I'm not trying to wind you up or anything, but couldn't the PR at least put the openers names on their Myspace page? "Sabbat w/ X, Y, and Z - April 15" instead of just "Sabbat - April 15".

Although I guess X, Y, and Z aren't going to bring in much anyway.

I'll definitely give you that. What happens...which is no that they book the band & unless the openers are picked soon enough, they rarely go back to update the bands. And like KingsGene said, usually only the headliner is listed in the main need to click on it to see the support bands.
They ought to just have a little place where you have to stand when you are smoking so you cant wander off, so for people who are V.I.P.'s still have that perk of being able to go off somewhere else while a band they dont want too see are on or have to watch a TV show or something.

They do & that's how it works...they have a staff person monitoring & you can't leave that area. As far as I know, iIf you wander off, it will be considered like you're leaving the show.
They do & that's how it works...they have a staff person monitoring & you can't leave that area. As far as I know, iIf you wander off, it will be considered like you're leaving the show.

smart move....this will at least help with people who are going to maybe cause trouble. At this old suburban club McGregor's, they had huge problems with this before and after the show. Lots of underage drinking and pot smoking. Basically local police kept busting people and the club stopped doing shows.
Can't people go 5 hours w/o smoking???

Think about all the things you go w/o doing while at work for approx 8 hrs:
- Blasting metal at full volume
- Drinking beer
- Watching TV
- Spanking the monkey (Though what you do at the stalls at your place of work is your business I suppose)

I dunno. Just like last year people were complaining about the lack of food. Sometimes, you just have to deal.

What if you were on a 5 hour plane ride?