Anyone catch the Sabbat show in Mokena last night?

Well, that's a valid point.
Do you think there is a difference in either age or show going experience between the folks who arrive early VS being late?
That might be something hard to judge...

If I could leave the venue as I pleased, I would likely check out all the bands. If I did not care for a band, I might leave and come back for the next band. This is what I have done at the two PPUSAs I have attended. At Powerfest, I do not have that option, and I'd rather not be trapped standing watching bands I will likely not enjoy. At JJ Kelley's, I would go to the pool room where you could talk to people. There's no option like that at the Pearl Room.

Note that I am not bitching about this, just stating my preferences. I realize that to most the social aspect of the show is secondary to the bands. For me, unless I really like the band, talking to friends I get to see once a year is more important. I am not the typical Powerfest attendee. I will go to the show every year regardless of lineup, as long as other folks I want to see are attending.