Anyone check out the new Arch Enemy dvd?


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2005
I went down to my local best buy and circuit city today to see if i could pick it up, but i couldn't find any...anyway, i was just wondering if anyone here has seen it yet, and what you think about it...
heres me trying to kiss Angela at Wacken....kinda funny lol

-Flash- said:
I went down to my local best buy and circuit city today to see if i could pick it up, but i couldn't find any...anyway, i was just wondering if anyone here has seen it yet, and what you think about it...

Mainstream places like that aren't going to have DVDs like that. They carry the music, but little additional media. Check an independent record store or places that you know to carry hard-to-find stuff.
Authentic Metalhead said:
Mainstream places like that aren't going to have DVDs like that. They carry the music, but little additional media. Check an independent record store or places that you know to carry hard-to-find stuff.
you would be surprised.
Places like HMV will carry that shit, but usually indy record stores suck half the time. THey have all the underground emo hardcore, and all the underground metal from North America (aka terrible).

I fucking hate Indie record stores, I asked if they could order me a Sonata Arctica and they were like "Yeah we can, BUT WHYY!! If you want metal you should check out these LOCAL BADS!!!!"

I tried being polite but it pretty much ended up me saying I hate every local metal band, and then I got a whole lot of "lol Mainsteme" snooty ass comments. Indy record store employees do nothign but shoot heroin and critique music they will never be able to play.

</rant> :mad:
yeah , the dvd is hell good. you should definitely check it out. it's even got some good footage from the australian tour, so that was a bonus for me
I actually was bored today and went to another city to see if I could find it...I checked at FYE...nothing...I checked at the Best Buy there...nothing...I'm starting to think that I'm just gonna have to order it online...oh well...