Anyone covered any Anthrax songs?

May 10, 2002
Alabama Gulf Coast
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I was just wondering if anyone here has covered an Anthrax song or two? I'm presently working on a cover of Only. Damn those drums! With my lil drum machine it's hard to copy Charlie's ability to beat the shit out of his kit. But if and when I get it together I'll post a link to it, for all to enjoy.

Has anyone else got anything they'd like to share. I love hearing good covers.

Forever Yours,
Cyco Path
Well, my band (Shredder) was planning on covering Medusa or I Am The Law...but we kinda need to learn 'em, first. (I can already play most of both songs, but my bassist and rhythm guitarist still need to work on it. That, and we're gonna have to get our new drummer to learn 'em...)
My band (manifest) often include Among the Living and Milk to our set..At the moment we are working on Caught in a Mosh which is only bein held up by my terrible bass skills...
When i was in a band a few years ago we did room for one more, but our singer sucked, it hard to find someone that makes it sound as good as bush
We did "Protest & Survive" from killer B's back when I was in 7th grade. Rural S.C. was running for cover. Scott should sing more....... I think SOD's "United Forces" will end up on our current set list.
In my previous bands we covered "Only", "Milk", "United Forces" and "N.F.B." but only on rehearsals. With my current band we wanted to cover "King Size" and Nothing", but our singer was little afraid that he wouldn´t be able to get the highest notes right.