Anyone else come home sick?

HAHA!! No you arent the only one man, I woke up yesterday and felt like complete and total SHIT. But this is a part of Prog Power for me cos I go completely balls out crazy every year and add that to the minimum amount of sleep and you get, BAM, perfect environment for me to get sick. Ah well its all worth it.

Yep, when I woke up Sunday my throat was raw; I thought maybe I blew it out thanks to Circle II Circle! However, now that a few days have passed since then, I realize I definitely caught this cold everyone is talking about...
I guess I have it too. At first I just thought my annual allergies were kicking in early (ragweed really messes with me around October), but if other people have it to I guess it's a cold.
Ahhh the good ol' PPUSA plague..happens every year (used to happen after Powermad, too, as I recall), a handful of people end up sick..nothing to worry about, you're definitely not alone. :)
I came home sick too. Started with a sore throat (actually thought it was from hollering and screaming all weekend), then settled into the sniffles and sneezes. Crowning touch now is that I can't giggle without falling into an all out choking fit.

Yep, safe to assume I'm sick (giggle).

Oh and the fact that I was simply too exhausted to fight with the toilet paper roll in the ladies room at the Atlanta airport. Yep, I was one weakened individual.
this is same story that people get when going to the two main US stoner rock festivals. Alot of people around each other, tons of germs in closed areas, people go without sleep,etc. Plus, in my case, it was a lot cooler in atlanta than back here in arizona so things like that make it easy to catch colds on these festival trips.
Luckily, I survived this fest and I am as healthy as a tattooed boy can be. :) Have some soup you sick people :)
Yeah, had a minor sore throat Monday, same thing Tuesday. Wednesday I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck, stupid cold...
Today I took an Aleve Sinus and Headache...and within 20 minutes I felt almost completely fine =).
YUppers...add me to the list. Got home Sunday with no voice..but then again I blew that out on Thurs nite. But by monday I was achy and feverish and Tuesday morning my throat was sore and swollen. OTC drugs and sleep helped...and I unfortunately went back to work on Weds. All I know is I better be 100% by this weekend ;)
