Anyone else seen Swordfish?


Apr 13, 2001
I had the pleasure of seeing the new John Travolta and Hugh Jackman film 'Swordfish' the other day, and I was actually quite surprised.

Not too bad at all. Hugh Jackman was great in it, he can really act. (Russell who? ;) )

Great opening sequence :eek: :eek:

However if anyone else has seen it, there are a few questions (queries/problems) that I have.

Halle Berry :grin:
Was Halle Berry breasts nesseccary to the plot? (as we've heard from herself and director)

Was Stan's err sexual motivation ;) needed?

Is there any SVU/4WD wagon that could possible keep up with a TVR speed 12?

If the bus was strong enough to survive the explosion at the start, how could a person falling slowly a few metres shatter the back window?

If the body in the morgue at the end, was 'made' to look like JT's character, anybody undertaking an autopsy would easily be able to see that.

Basically, as old and up tight as this make me sound, I think the sexual content in the first 30 minutes was over the top. Without it, it could have basically passed as a PG rated movie and attracted a much wider audience.
I should add that these are only minor gripes.

When Stan drops his daughter off at her mothers, and he starts to cry - that was perfectly done.
Normally when a male actor crys in such circumstances (it was filmed in daylight too, unusual for a male 'crying' seen), they fuck it up and you almost have to laugh at how patheticthey do it :rolleyes: . In this case, it didn't seem out of place, even in the middle of the movie!

Swordfish certainly made up for my disappointment with Tomb Raider. However Shrek still reigns supreme.

I'm pissed I missed Josie & The Pussy Cats. :mad:
Originally posted by Sydo
If the body in the morgue at the end, was 'made' to look like JT's character, anybody undertaking an autopsy would easily be able to see that.

Dunno about the others, but I thought that, for the above, the body was the *original* JT and whoever the other guy was had had plastic surgery... so an autopsy would've shown the dead dude to be who the feds thought it was in the first place.

Or something :)
I have a question!

How did a bomb with about 30 ball bearings in it cause an explosion that put about 1,000,000 holes into the scenery??

I thought Halle Berry's tits were pretty good. I think they were probably put in there for people like me who don't get to see them in real life too often. Just so we don't forget what they look like :rolleyes:
PHWOAR...did ya check out the tits on that Berry babe...

They get the :

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out of

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Crossy Rating

Ive seen better :)

ok, im going to bed haha :p
:lol: - to everyone.

I thought that, for the above, the body was the *original* JT and whoever the other guy was had had plastic surgery... so an autopsy would've shown the dead dude to be who the feds thought it was in the first place.

That was my other thought.
Originally posted by Sydo
Basically, as old and up tight as this make me sound, I think the sexual content in the first 30 minutes was over the top. [/B]

Gratuitous sex scenes?! Well, considering that I'm currently apart from my gf (already 4 months......only 3 left!) I think you may have persuaded me to see this movie! HAHAHA :)

But yeah, it won't beat Shrek!
Originally posted by Winmar

Gratuitous sex scenes?! Well, considering that I'm currently apart from my gf (already 4 months......only 3 left!) I think you may have persuaded me to see this movie! HAHAHA :)

But yeah, it won't beat Shrek!

Don't do it!!! Not for the sex anyway. It would seem I've built it up.

What I really meant to say was, there was so little and it was so meaningless - there was really no reason for it to be left in the film. :p
Originally posted by ironcross

They get the :

  :deb:       :deb:       :deb:
(o)(o) | (o)(o) | (o)(o)

out of

  :deb:       :deb:       :deb:        :deb:
(o)(o) | (o)(o) | (o)(o) | (o)(o)

Crossy Rating

Good lord!! An appropriate use of the Debbie icon! WOW!! HAHA!