Anyone else turn into a fucking genius when they get drunk?

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
I'm not drunk right now but I was last night for the first time in a while and once again I utterly demolished my peers in any single debate we had. Not with intimidation or wit but with sheer intellectual prowess. This always happens to me when I reach a certain point of consumption. My thoughts get crystal clear, I can follow arguments for miles without losing a beat and make amazing connections to prove my points and think of millions of examples to back up whatever I say.

I can do about half of this when I'm sober (assuming I haven't really studied whatever the topic is). I have no idea why, but I think much more clearly and argue more effectively when I am drunk. I love debating and arguing sober or drunk, so it isn't like I drinking gets rid of a fear I have or something. It just makes me sharper, I feel. Anyone else get this way? Most of my friends just get stupid, in a good, drunken funny kind of way, but there is no clear improvement in their thinking.
Are you sure your opponents weren't just more hammered than you? :lol: I also feel the same way when I drink. I think it mostly is due to not overthinking the points you are making and the mouth filter being decimated by the alcoholic goodness, allowing you to speak your mind more freely.
One becomes more sociable and more confident. So maybe the feeling of self esteem deceives people that their clearer and smarter. You lose your inhibitions and words and thoughts flow without hindrance. Given that your not completely hammered.