How easily do you get drunk?

It takes me quite a bit to get shitfaced. I usually start the night out w/ a few Gin & Tonics then move onto some good beer like Sam Adams White Ale or Dos Equis.
Does anyone have any friends that are ridiculous lightweights? I'll have my buddy Matt over during the week to watch a White Sox game or something and the fucker is only 4 beers deep and he's already passed out. He even passed out at the bar standing up once lol. Must be a chemical inbalance or something. I don't get it.
A buddy of mine gets trashed if he walks past a building where someone has opened a beer within the past week.

Asian guy?

Man, I felt a head change off of 3 beers, just now. That's quick for me.

Anyways, it probably takes me 8 beers to be drunk, but I can drink a lot more than that and still be able to drive(not that I do it often), not slur my speech, or recognize the ugly chicks from the hot. However, it doesn't take much weed to fuck me up, i've made a ton of horrible decisions on weed. My tolerance with that is super low.
They must have lost this enzyme shortly after primordial humans spread out of Africa, and they didn't farm grapes or wheat/hops to make wine and beer. They could still make rice wine.
The enzyme is called alcohol dehydrogenase. Men have more than women, and white people have more than everyone. Also, the gene responsible for the production of this enzyme is not naturally occuring within the Native American population because they're one of two cultures in world history that never discovered alcohol on their own. The other one is the Inuits, who as far as I'm concerned are also Native American.

Consequently, the ability to cope with alcohol was never been selected for within their evolutionary histories, whereas it has been for quite a while in every other race, especially caucasians.

EDIT: Native Americans are mostly lactose intolerant, as well.
It makes sense that Native Americans lack that enzyme because they are basically Asians who crossed the Bering land bridge a few ten thousand of years ago.

I had two glasses of red wine with dinner and a couple shots of brandy and amaretto in my evening coffee. Having a somewhat heavy buzz, but it will take some more before drunk, which I'll pass, for this evening at least.
Ah alcohol...I have a surprisingly high tolerance. I'd have at least 14 drinks a night...many doubles...Jaegermeister, Absynthe, Goldshagger, JD...I'm also into rum a the moment. Apparently it tastes like I smell. How could it not be sexy... ;p But yes. It doesn't have any great effect on me. Unless I REALLY overdo it while I'm ill.