when metalheads get drunk...

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
why do they always sing manowar?! i dont get it. everytime i hang out with my friends and tehy get drunk, out comes the manowar. is it somthing in the beer?
Me and my friends vandalise stuff. We always take a piss out of other people ( just living life to the fullest ) but also to know, my other friends are all skatebaorders ( so am i ) And basicly.............. We just love to Destroy and do stupid ass shit !!!

this may kinda sound childish but hey, in every one of us there is a little child.

genocide roach said:
why do they always sing manowar?! i dont get it. everytime i hang out with my friends and tehy get drunk, out comes the manowar. is it somthing in the beer?

It's good drinking music, that's why. It was written for drunken metalheads to fistbang to, after all.
personally, the easier to sing along with when, the better the song is. Hence, when it comes to metal when drunk power metal ballads reign supreme.

Of course I always like old school rap and death metal too when plastered.
SculptedCold said:
I like brutal death and deathgrind when i'm drunk.
You need stuff that you can 1) sing along to and 2) play air drums to. Extreme stuff just doesn't work. For me. Metallica or 'Maiden I say.
Erik said it, MetallicA (pre-black) is THE music for drunk metalheads. I also enjoy cushofdeljunsoDESS!! (Curse of the Legions of Death) while dropping pizza and accidentally destroying pizzerias.