will metalheads of most metal genres get along?

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Iron Chef Sakai

New Metal Member
Jan 23, 2007
Kitchen Stadium
it seems like a stupid question to some people but do you think for the most part, metalheads will usually get along with other metalheads who listen to this and that metal?

for example, can you see power metal fans getting along with black metal fans on a social level? I mean it's all metal right? we all belong to the same genre overall?

does anybody get what I'm trying to say here.

For me, I seem to get along with black metal, power metal or any other type of metal fans out there but for some reason, some metalheads can't get along with me? I always thought its more likely black metal fans can get along with power metal fans more than the other way around. What do you think?

BASICALLY, Can metalheads of all genres get along socially?
If they're decent human beings and not completely fucking morons...then yes, I see no reason why they shouldn't get along.
I'm confused by this thread

are you asking should they get along, will they get along as in the future, can they get along, do they get along right now... what exactly is your question??
im proud to state i associate with precisely 0 metalheads

I find it difficult to share my music with people, I only know of a few people who listen to metal like me. I find it curious that I came across this thread today because I just found out a girl in my class listens to metal today :kickass: so thats about 6 metal heads I know of now.
only a couple of my friends are fans of metal, but I'm not opposed to the idea of having metal friends...I need somebody to go to shows with.
I have a couple of good buddies who are metalheads

my biggest metalhead friend though is john, he's awesome. He's into almost everything I am into, and also loves prog rock and other such genres (very open minded towards music). He plays in a local death/thrash band and we're prolly going to go to chicago powerfest together
I have a few friends that are metalheads, but I'm a bit elitist and wouldn't consider some bands other mates listen to as "metal".
The real difference is the communication medium. Internet forums and real life are two completely different realms of relationship.
Meh all my friends listen to metal, so I know about 10 metalheads. About the only genre's we don't listen to is Death/Thrash, and were all mostly Melodic Death fans :)

But, to answer the question, yes IRL any metal head will associate with any other metalhead though I find it hard that BM metalheads going to associate themselves with metalcore metalheads because well... they hate them :)

On the forums the answer is a clear and concise NO!
it seems like a stupid question...


Anyway, the answer is yes if we're talking about normal people who happen to listen to metal. If we're talking about crazy black / death/ power / x subgenre metal zealots, the answer is maybe. But really, anyone who is so zealous for one specific subgenre that he/she will alienate themselves from people who listen to a different subgenre is a fuckwad, anyway. If I see someone with a metal band t-shirt on, maybe I'll go start a conversation with them- even if I don't like that band. But if I see some BM loser all decked out in corpse paint and spikes and shit? Fuck that.

I think this is easily comprable to sports fans. I'm into baseball and am a Yankees fan. A buddy of mine is a huge Red Sox fan. Now, that situation, to me, is similair to what you're talking about here: We like the same sport, but different teams (the fans of which don't get along on the intarwebz); it's a lot like meeting someone who also likes metal, but a different kind. If it was the internet, we'd probably be flaming eachother left and right, but since it's real life, we can just talk about baseball and accept that the other guy likes a different team. It's all good. Now, another guy I know, who is also a Yankee fan, I can't fucking stand him because he's one of those "YEEAH BOY YANKEES RULE EVERYONE ELSE SUCKS ASS" guys.

Point is: Liking different things isn't really the issue. The issue is weather or not someone is a complete douchebag.
I usually have problems with "black metallers" most of them are so arrogant/ignorant.

Also you don't have to be a metal head to like metal that's just stupid.
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