How easily do you get drunk?

@ the OP:

As long as it takes you longer to get drunk than it does the girl you're with, you're gold.

@ The Ozzman:

Irish Car Bombs are the shit. Guinness and Bailey's; you can't go wrong.
FenriR said:
Pssht. Warming wine up a bit and putting in a few herbs is just a way to make shitty cheap wine bearable.
Vilden said:
And tasty!
I'll agree that there is little better on a cold night outside, but I still think its inferior to a proper red.
FenriR said:
goddamnit, why isn't this forum configured for annoyingly long chains of quotes.
cookiecutter said:
Because that would be annoyingly long
o rly?
FenriR said:
Pssht. Warming wine up a bit and putting in a few herbs is just a way to make shitty cheap wine bearable.
Vilden said:
And tasty!
FenriR said:
I'll agree that there is little better on a cold night outside, but I still think its inferior to a proper red.
FenriR said:
goddamnit, why isn't this forum configured for annoyingly long chains of quotes.
cookiecutter said:
Because that would be annoyingly long.
FenriR said:

no wai!
I rarely ever drink, and I've never been drunk. The most I've ever had at once was five or six shots of UV vodka in a little less than two hours. There was a slightly visual delay when I turned my head too quickly, but that was about it.
Anyone here drink or have tried Absinthe? they sell it here where i live and apparently it gets you rather smashed(Van Gogh and other artists used to drink it so i hear) I told some young dudes at work about it a while ago cause it's only just become available here in the last couple of years and they tried it and got pretty messy so i hear,anyway i can't be fucked drinking that shit even though it apparently has hellucinogenic properties,swore off top shelf along time ago, it made me do stipid shit so i don't drink that stuff anymore
It was illegal in Europe for like 200 years, right? I am not sure and I have never had it. My grand-parents who live in France home make it. I have never tired it though, but I want to. Some friends and I might pick some up for my birthday!