And tasty!Pssht. Warming wine up a bit and putting in a few herbs is just a way to make shitty cheap wine bearable.
what does that taste like?
FenriR said:Pssht. Warming wine up a bit and putting in a few herbs is just a way to make shitty cheap wine bearable.And tasty!
o rly?FenriR said:Pssht. Warming wine up a bit and putting in a few herbs is just a way to make shitty cheap wine bearable.Vilden said:And tasty!I'll agree that there is little better on a cold night outside, but I still think its inferior to a proper red.FenriR said:goddamnit, why isn't this forum configured for annoyingly long chains of quotes.cookiecutter said:Because that would be annoyingly long
FenriR said:Pssht. Warming wine up a bit and putting in a few herbs is just a way to make shitty cheap wine bearable.Vilden said:And tasty!FenriR said:I'll agree that there is little better on a cold night outside, but I still think its inferior to a proper red.FenriR said:goddamnit, why isn't this forum configured for annoyingly long chains of quotes.cookiecutter said:Because that would be annoyingly long.FenriR said:o rly?ya rly!
I rarely ever drink, and I've never been drunk. The most I've ever had at once was five or six shots of UV vodka in a little less than two hours. There was a slightly visual delay when I turned my head too quickly, but that was about it.
I often mix both brandy and amaretto in coffee at the same time.