How easily do you get drunk?

Total waste of heroin though. :p

Anyone like mulled wine/glögg? Or do you only drink it up here? I think it is the only way wine really taste good, can drink way to much of it.
Glogg is tasty. I had some around Christmas. They sell it pre-made here, but I know at least one person who made their own.

The way they make Irish Car Bombs here is a shot of Jameson, a shot of Baileys, and about half a glass of Guinness. I think it's a waste. I'd rather have the three by themselves.
Im not really a fan of hard liquor tbh. Theres a few things, in moderation, that I enjoy. We and my mother/neighbor make spirits together, and I enjoy those just because I made them, ya know.
I drink til I get drunk, no matter how much I drink...last time I got easily drunk was some days ago..drunk from 10 in the morning...6-7 beers and a shitload of "sprit".
But i ended up in the bed with a girl I know love a bad i puked all over her room ;P