Not a fan of being drunk or inebriated in any sense...I still do it occasionally but it's more like getting drunk on accident rather than on purpose. Not being a fan of beer I tend to drink wine heavily instead, unless I'm just hanging out at the pub with friends. I don't like not being able to function at 100% capacity, lack of clarity, or lack of control.
Again, not that I don't do's just rare. I'd rather eat than drink.
I completely despise people who drink heavily, knowing that they turn into dicks while drunk. I've had a few friends like that and I've left them stranded on the side of the road for them to walk home...and those were my friends. That was the last time they turned into dicks with me around.
When I was in Alaska at my first duty station, there was NOTHING for an 18 year old to do. NOTHING except spend money on video games and go to titty bars that didn't serve alcohol. Anchorage was a pretty decent city if you were 21 and over, but I turned 21 towards the end of my 3 year tour. Therefore, my roommate, being 21, always had plenty of alcohol. Being away from everything you've ever known and around a bunch of people you don't really like with nothing else to do for three years tends to make one hit the bottle, and I hit it hard the first six months I was there. Still reeling from an ugly breakup back home (she couldn't keep her legs closed for four months while I was away at basic/tech school), I dove right into a bottle of Jim Beam every night. One night I got really wasted and vomited until I couldn't vomit anymore, dry heaved until I thought I was gonna upchuck my intestines, and prayed to die just to stop retching. I think that was the last time I got really drunk while depressed...over ten years ago. Drinking alone with AIC and Type O Negative during an Alaskan winter is never a good idea when you're depressed.