Only yourself when you're drunk..

I prefer myself and most other people when they are sober - but I do drink socially and have no problem with those that do. I've had some bad experiences with friends and family that become complete assholes when they drink and it truly was like Jekyll and Hyde.
I'm probably one of the most self conscious guys you'll ever meet, still I've never been drunk (or even a little tipsy) even though it might greatly benefit my social behavior. I've seen people drunk and I really don't think it's something I'd like to look like of behave like. I can understand that drunk people may feel more confident and loose when drunk but to sober people they just look stupid.
I talk alot more when i drink/smoke though it quite quckly becomes too much... i talk so much that a lighter is required in-hand constantly to re-light the shhhhmokables

anyone else get better at pool when drinking??
I'm probably one of the most self conscious guys you'll ever meet, still I've never been drunk (or even a little tipsy) even though it might greatly benefit my social behavior. I've seen people drunk and I really don't think it's something I'd like to look like of behave like. I can understand that drunk people may feel more confident and loose when drunk but to sober people they just look stupid.

I know what you mean dude. I've not been drunk yet, close but not the full "whoooooah" *chuck* type drunk. I'm too much of a control freak to let myself go that much, and I hate throwing up.

Getting a few into you can be a nice change though. I recommend Lemonade to taste, one part vodka and one part Jager. :muahaha:
Heh, part of the reason why I don't drink much anymore is because I did stuff totally out of character when I got drunk.
Sure, drinking can get me outta my shell a bit (I'm naturally a bit socially awkward and introverted) but I've found that a lot of the time the kinda people I'd meet when I'm drunk aren't the kinda people I'd want to be around when I'm sober anyway, or just not people I'd find interesting
A few years ago, I had some kind of drinking problem, I was a sarcastic introverted
bastard when I was sober and a sarcastic extroverted bastard when I was drunk :D

All in all I wasn't that outgoing most of the time and liked to piss off people when I was drunk.
Nowadays I don't drink anymore, had like 1 beer in the last 3 months or so.
But I am way more outgoing now, more self confident and just don't care about me as much
as I did.
A few years ago, I had some kind of drinking problem, I was a sarcastic introverted
bastard when I was sober and a sarcastic extroverted bastard when I was drunk :D

All in all I wasn't that outgoing most of the time and liked to piss off people when I was drunk.
Nowadays I don't drink anymore, had like 1 beer in the last 3 months or so.
But I am way more outgoing now, more self confident and just don't care about me as much
as I did.

Yeah, I had that problem too.
Would get drunk and just would be a cunt to people.
I remember the day after a party, back in 2007, I had all these people tell me how I was acting at the party (could barely remember what I did because I was so wasted) and I just felt so fucking horrible.
I made some chick cry and did all this other fucked up shit, urgh.
No problem at all here! Pretty extrovert myself, i say what i think but not in a bad manner (as in hurting people's feelings etcetera) If i'm tipsy i'm just myself but only funnier :D I can be pretty loud but everybody's loud at party's where i'm at. When i'm drunk i tend to fall over from time to time, but people think that is funny so i think it's funny and we laugh really hard about it. Life's good to be me if i say so :)
My problem as of late is I've been using booze to escape from problems, and using it to give me social skills, which is a bad idea all around. I feel like if I'm out, I HAVE to drink or I'll drink way to much to forget about what is actually real. Only reason I'm one piece is I don't go out and rage too often, but now that I'm 21 shit's prolly gunna hit the fan.

I can also be a real prick when I'm drunk. Like Mustaine Kill Em All prick....
I know what you mean dude. I've not been drunk yet, close but not the full "whoooooah" *chuck* type drunk. I'm too much of a control freak to let myself go that much, and I hate throwing up.

Sounds like me! I've been drunk once or twice, not totally wasted, but enough to know that I don't like it. Getting "tipsy" and just being a social drinker is more to my liking.

And I'm just me when I'm like that, only I tend to be a little more excitable, meaning, that I start blathering about things.