Anyone else unhappy with there mixing/recording?


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
I just feel like I'm not getting anything near what i want or feel like i should be able to get sound wise. I got a digi002 and I'm using there preamps and ada8000 from behringer but i have pulled decent results but lately i just feel like everything i track i can not get no were near what others seem to get on here.

I'm referencing music and trying multi comp's and just doing all the little tricks and I'm trying to cut low end on things and make spaces for things with eq but it seems like i do something to one thing and i dig myself a hole some were else in my mixes. I'm almost wondering if i need some room treatment or maybe some new monitors or something cause i just feel like I'm not hearing things as good as i should be and am not making the right decisions while mixing.

Sucks this is really getting in my head and I'm starting to think i suck and it's gonna effect my mixing if my heads in the gutter and I'm not thinking or being positive. Well anyone else ever feel this way and anything that helped you get out of your slump??
yeah, don't dwell on it too long. If some mix isn't working for you, leave it for a bit, and come back to it with fresh perspective.

maybe you could post a mix and we can tell you if you should be unhappy with it.
Sounds like you are looking to deep into things, regarding all the technical stuff like eq's, compressors, and all the other plugins. Maybe try going back to basics... Maybe you are trying to hard with all the gizmo's. Just because people use them, doesn't mean they will work on every mix. So take some time off. Do what you mentioned- do some room treatment, get a nice set of monitors, and relax. Now if only I could practice what I preach...

Oh and don't I owe you money? I'll send you a PM sometime today...
Being happy is not constructive.

Exactly. I'm almost NEVER happy with a mix, even rarely 'satisfied'.

I think in this field, there is always going to be a little bit of doubt about your own work.

What helps me is listening to mixes that I think just absolutely dominate everything else aurally. Mixes that invoke pure inspiration for me mentally. That usually gets my hyped enough to get back on it and keeeep on digging for 'that' sound.
I just feel like I'm not getting anything near what i want or feel like i should be able to get sound wise. I got a digi002 and I'm using there preamps and ada8000 from behringer but i have pulled decent results but lately i just feel like everything i track i can not get no were near what others seem to get on here.

I'm referencing music and trying multi comp's and just doing all the little tricks and I'm trying to cut low end on things and make spaces for things with eq but it seems like i do something to one thing and i dig myself a hole some were else in my mixes. I'm almost wondering if i need some room treatment or maybe some new monitors or something cause i just feel like I'm not hearing things as good as i should be and am not making the right decisions while mixing.

Sucks this is really getting in my head and I'm starting to think i suck and it's gonna effect my mixing if my heads in the gutter and I'm not thinking or being positive. Well anyone else ever feel this way and anything that helped you get out of your slump??

if you still hear that your mixes aren't the best, this is already a good
precondition and you'll make your way. The really untalented guys are those
who make bad mixes and think "Yeeaah man my mixes sound like hell, shit on
Ross Robinson!!".

I've found out that mixing is a lot like playing poker. There are times when you constantly screw something up and can't get things right, and it almost feels like the harder you try the worse it gets. That's exactly what happens when playing poker: you get a few bad beats in a row, and start feeling like shit, which affects your playing and in the long run makes you lose a whole lotta money.

Taking some time off does the trick for me. Lay back, do something else, don't even listen to music if you really don't feel like it and get back to it when your head feels clear again. Sure, my mixes are way behind the average of this site so maybe I'm not the right person to give advice on this matter, but that's just how it goes for me.
Exactly. I'm almost NEVER happy with a mix, even rarely 'satisfied'.

I think in this field, there is always going to be a little bit of doubt about your own work.

What helps me is listening to mixes that I think just absolutely dominate everything else aurally. Mixes that invoke pure inspiration for me mentally. That usually gets my hyped enough to get back on it and keeeep on digging for 'that' sound.


I have the EXACT same thing... i'm never satisfied really, sometimes i need to step away for a while as well, as i can get really tired of hearing my own shit over and over again while mixing... :p

Really.. everyone i talk to who mixes and records their own songs have this as well... no matter how damn good their mixes are, you always hear them say how they dislike their own stuff... i guess that's just normal...
Yea the bands i have worked with just love my mixes and are like dude your awesome but i feel completely different and am like dam dude i could have done better and just always seem to not be 100% satisfied and just see room for improvement.

Yea i agree i hear mixes you guys do on here and I'm fucking blown away but i bet when i get to that point and my mixes sound that good i will still think i can do better. Guess its kinda like guitar playing there is always room for improvement and i don't think you can know everything, always will be room to learn or invent new things! I think i just need to walk away from this mix though its a turd I'm trying to polish and i have already let sit for like 4 days before yesterday when i went at mixing again and my results were worse i though.

I will post a clip over in the rate my mix forum for anyone to listen.:Smug: