Unhappy with Superior 2.0

May 23, 2008
Well, I don't have much hair left and the reason i'm now bald is Superior 2.0 and the hell I've been going thought attempting to get what I want out of it. I think I'm just unhappy with the overall sounds that shipped with 2.0. Am I alone here in thinking it's probably not the best tool, at least for the Avatar drum sounds for the kind of stuff we enjoy at this forum? I've heard some people attain some pretty good sounds, but I was able to work a lot more magic with Addictive Drums. I think I'll be going back to them. I'm also interested in what Steven Slate has up his sleeve in the coming months.

Anybody feel the same, or am I completely nuts? :ill:
I don't own S2.0, I can't afford it right now, but I did get a chance to use it.

From what I can tell, the cymbals are a lot more realistic than addictive drums. The room sound is great as well. But the drums are somewhat lacking. They sound like the EZdrummer drums. They can sound good - but it takes a lot of work to get there.

If I could have the drums from AD(in addition to my own custom samples of course) and the cymbals from S2.0, I would be as happy as pigs in shit, I think.
Its strange because from what I gathered people thought that the cymbals were the weakest thing. I certainly think so, although I'm REALLY happy with S2.0. I think the drums absolutely dick the old ones. The toms are incredible and the snares sound so much better than before.
I'm fairly unimpressed with the cymbals, which when it comes down to it, are really the only part of a sampler that really matter for me. Everything else would likely cop the Steven Slate samples regardless. What impressed me about DFHS was the lifelike cymbal sounds, but now that seems to be gone. The cymbals are way too isolated and unrealistic sounding. If I were to shop around for a sampler, I'd be looking at the original.
I love the S2 engine and some of the snares....indifferent towards the cyms. Would love to have had the option of raw samples as well as they applied a little eq and compression when tracking. The processing sounds fine, but I'd still like the option to start from scratch. Will be interested to hear the expansion packs.

My favourite drum sample set would still be the Joe Barresi expansion for (dare I say it) BFD. I'd love to be able to use those samples with the S2 engine. BFD's engine is still way behind Toontracks.
i think the problem with 2.0 is versatility (for metal)... there's not enought variety of sounds to pick from that work for metal. i'm personally pretty happy with 2.0 after spending some time with it, but i still have some small issues. i definitely don't like the kicks for metal and prefer to use the sonor kick with the wooden beater from 1 for fast double bass stuff.

another somewhat minor issue i have is that the only ride i think works well for metal would be ride 2. the problem with that is that it is on the same side as the hats. i like to have the hats and ride on opposite sides and because you can't change where each piece is panned in the overheads the hats always sound like they're in the middle if i pan the hats mic the opposite direction. it's not a big deal and is probably not that noticeable but still kinda annoying though.

hopefully the new sounds will make these issues obsolete, although a year is a long time to wait...
Yeah I think the kicks are a little bit too processed, and while the toms sound great, they have already started sculpting the sound for you. That said I have DFHS and C&V so if I want rawer sounds I still have plenty of options.

Yep....C&V is a personal favourite for my noisey rock stuff. Love the cyms & snares in that set. Was never impressed with the room mics in the DFHSuperior 1 set but it's still great for tighter sounds.
Yeah for sure. The options with the room mics are what really makes S2.0 awesome. Like you can have closer sounds for tighter stuff and bigger stuff when you just want hugeness haha. Automating them in and out is great :) The more I use C&V the more I love it, really cool for what it is. Chris Whitten did a great job with that.
I guess I just like the cymbals cause when I ride on the crash it actually sounds like a wash of cymbal, and not like a crash sample being played over and over again like in AD.

I haven't tried the original superior and I only played with 2.0 for like 20 minutes.... so my opinion is more or less worthless.
i think the problem with 2.0 is versatility (for metal)... there's not enought variety of sounds to pick from that work for metal. i'm personally pretty happy with 2.0 after spending some time with it, but i still have some small issues. i definitely don't like the kicks for metal and prefer to use the sonor kick with the wooden beater from 1 for fast double bass stuff.

another somewhat minor issue i have is that the only ride i think works well for metal would be ride 2. the problem with that is that it is on the same side as the hats. i like to have the hats and ride on opposite sides and because you can't change where each piece is panned in the overheads the hats always sound like they're in the middle if i pan the hats mic the opposite direction. it's not a big deal and is probably not that noticeable but still kinda annoying though.

hopefully the new sounds will make these issues obsolete, although a year is a long time to wait...

Wait, you can't route the overhead signals for the kitpieces to a bus?

In BFD2, you can route the overhead samples for a kitpiece to its own AUX - for the purposes of seperation, or like you'd want to do, to pan it elsewhere.
fwiw... I just finished my second cymbal pack featured all Paiste cymbals. I spent a lot of time getting these cymbals perfect... and we have a Paiste Sig 14" Sound Edge that is SLAMMIN for metal. Also some new metal inspired snare drums that hit very hard, and the new NRG room which is unprocessed so you'll be able to get more subtle room tones. I haven't heard Superior 2.0 yet, though I'm looking forward to it.

Some of my current cymabls can be heard in these deftones kit demos:



New stuff ships soon.
fwiw... I just finished my second cymbal pack featured all Paiste cymbals. I spent a lot of time getting these cymbals perfect... and we have a Paiste Sig 14" Sound Edge that is SLAMMIN for metal. Also some new metal inspired snare drums that hit very hard, and the new NRG room which is unprocessed so you'll be able to get more subtle room tones. I haven't heard Superior 2.0 yet, though I'm looking forward to it.

Some of my current cymabls can be heard in these deftones kit demos:



New stuff ships soon.


I'm really interested in your upcoming package, but I feel as if I'm not sure what I'd be getting myself into! :loco: I have some questions such as will there be midi grooves included with the package? From what I've heard your samples are targeted more towards someone who wants killer sounds out of the box, and from what I've heard from your work so far, it sounds great! Am I correct in this thinking? What kind," if any" tweak-ability will be allowed? Is there any type of competitive upgrade price for users of competing software? What will the price for the new package cost?

Thanks for any info!
Im getting 2.0 soon, it sounds great, room mics are the way to go.

And metal is just rock at another level, ive herd GREAT metal drums done with 2.0
With Superior 2.0 I like to put the kick on a separate VSTi output and blend in a "metal kick" sample using aptrigga. Just remember to use the Highpass sidechain detection filter set to 600hz or so on the aptrigga so the sample won't flam with the original Superior kick.
Yep... the cymbals pretty much suck... but ok...it's a drum machine...
I rly dig the snare sounds...