Anyone going to see Emperor on May 30th?

Well, it's finally here. It's tomorrow night.

My friend is most likely not coming now, and he has a ticket. If you'd like a ticket with a discount price, send me a message. However, there is a VERY SMALL chance that he may still be able to go. This has to do with having final exams the day after the show, so if he can talk his parents into letting him go, then he will be there. So don't be disappointed if you want this ticket and it ends up not being available.
Definitely not. Mostly because I'll be poor and out-of-town, and because there are other potential concerts I'd rather hit, honestly.

Though deep down, I still do wish I could be there.
Awesome show. Wish it didn't end at 9:30 though. What were the opening band's names? I got there when the first (?) band had two songs left. The band before Emperor was fucking HORRIBLE. Emperor played the same setlist as they did in LA and NYC last year.
One guy from my work went, and his show review started like this, "You saved $50".

I too heard they only played an hour. Kind of lame considering the ticket price.

Oh well, sounds like you had a good time, so that's good.
Well, it all worked out for me anyway. I had finals today, and my parents didn't want me staying out late. So I got to see Emperor AND get home on time for them not to be pissed off.

And my brother didn't go. I couldn't sell the ticket though, cause I was late and didn't want to waste time trying to sell it.
Yeah. Where were you standing? I didn't see you. I was in the back right, then I moved up to the top corner of the pit later on.

Also, did you see the ONE GUY with corpsepaint on? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Dear lord. Please tell me that NO ONE was in corpse paint....

I remember seeing Dummy Burger a few years ago at HOB, and it was a couple days after Halloween if I recall. Tons of young kids in HORRIBLE corpse paint. Lots with inverted crosses on their faces. That shit is concerning considering those kids realistically have no clue about what those images mean or portray. Almost as laughable when you see suburban punk kids with Anarchy symbols on their clothes. You almost want to go up to them and say,"Oh so you believe in anarchy? You do know that means I could give you a cock punch and steal your wallet and their wouldn't be a thing you could do about it, right?" :lol:
please, do not mention Emperor and Dimmu in the same thread.

Sorry. This genre is certainly not my area of expertise.
I do like Emperor's music a hell of a lot more than what I have heard of Dimmu's.

Since you brought it up though, what about Dimmu Borgir makes them so despised by many? Is it simply their popularity, or has the quality of their music deteriorated (or both). I have heard early and later albums of DB, and simply could not get into it.
i hate them because Shagrath (singer) bores me... he's annoying, really. the music doesn't have anything interesting to offer, either. it's all pretty generic. the only thing saving the band from total shittiness is Vortex... but, they don't let him sing that much.

alot of black metal fans hate them because they aren't "tr00" black metal anymore.
Actually, here is Bob rocking out to WINDIR at Milwaukee Metalfest