Anyone going to SOTU on the 20th?

The forecast for Wednesday is partly cloudy, 112 degrees. Are we allowed to take water and stuff (like something to sit on) in there or is this like Ozzfest and you take nothing in and buy what you need there, which sux by the way!, and do we have to pay $5 a bottle for water all day?
OMFG! We are allowed to take one 20 oz bottle of water in the venue. Why is everything ALWAYS about making money? It's fucking July in Phoenix Arizona for fuck's sake!
actually John.
The show starts @ 11.

Because the Mesa Amp closes at 10 our show is an Hour earlier than all the others.
The SotU even says that.

Also, Here's the line-up tomorrow.

TOUR DATES: 7/15 - 7/29
Lamb of God(9pm),
Poison the Well,
Norma Jean,
Every Time I Die,
Strapping Young Lad,
High On Fire,
All That Remains,
Devil Driver,
A Life Once Lost,
Alright for a scattered senario unedited. They played all the songs as mentioned above, as well as the new track. Sounded very cool, they keyboardist wasn’t the same dood. Gene is still fillin in for Martin yes and did a terrific job, alot of free styling going on though. That man is a machine. All That Remains was by far the best band on that entire bill that’s kinda gay they played at 11am to start off the fest.

All That Remains bassist quit to join CKY one day before the tour fucking them out of a bass player, everyone was upset about that in the band, and talked shit, all I can say is whoever that was is missing out on a whole lot, with that great band. So Ken Susi from Unearth learned their material in one day to play bass for them on this tour. Metal Blade label execs were there hanging out, got to talk alot with them a bit throughout the show. My buddy Kevin Talley from Dying Fetus/Misery Index/ now in Chimera, was in good spirits with his position and played very well.

Lamb of God looked huger than Pantera. 9 cabinets on each side stacked high on each side (like the As I Lay Dying Stage setup, 8 full 8x10 bass cabs on each side. Used 2 backdrop banners, the album cover one for entire set, for the encore they dropped one of the banners and it turned into their pentagram flag usa banner. They sounded huge, and played very tightly and had major crowd response. Most of the hardcore kids left towards the end of the night which was like 10% of the people there but the rest were there to see Lamb of God. They made fun of everyone who wore a white belt to the show, which was funny cause alot of those kinda kids stayed for them. DevilDriver had a huge circle pit as well. Good sound all around. Throwdown had alot of crowd participation with their lyrics, each band had a huge as fuck iron maiden sized banner, I guess thats mandatory these days. It was 113 all day, I got sun burnt a lil bit, cooled down a lil towards the night. Not everyone was into Strapping Young Lad, guys they were too weird for most, or Gwar. But Gwar sure did make a mess, squirting everyone as usual. I dont know how they did it in those costumes.

Every Time I dIE had a bit of a whiny voice, but I liked their set regardless, I can see a bit of originality, same with Norma Jean but was very hard to follow, very off timish similar to A Life Once Lost which did pretty powerful. Unearth did a very powerful set, I got into them right away, very melodic, hard ass riffs, they are a very tight band. Glad to see everyone at this show, seems Metal has come back to a sense, or its just Arizona finally getting their asses together for some good music instead of staying home. Although I heard that the presales for this show was the weakest out of the whole tour, so imagine the show we saw yesterday, plus a lil more or double that in other cities.. Cant wait till Ozzfest!
Highlights for me were.

SYL of course. I have gaylove for Devin.

Throwdown was really energetic & feed off the crowd well.
Plus their "Roots Bloody Roots" cover w/ Willie from Lamb Of God was really cool.

Unearth are always good.

Gwar is always fun. I never know what song they're singing...but does that even matter?

Opeth more or less, like always Owned Everyone there.
Lamb Of Gods sound was absolutley horrible.
Too bassy & muffled.
The main band there & they had the worst sound by far.

Especially after just watching Clutch, who had a huge clean sound.
I missed All That Remains & Devildriver cuz the line-up for the show was different than the one on the site... those bastards!!!
Everytime I Die was quite possibly the worst fucking thing I've ever heard.
Talk about trying to rip off Glassjaw to a T.

I had a decent time though.

Once again it went to show how many Unattractive chicks are in the metal scene. :)
You'd think out of a couple thousand people there'd be some hot chicks...but then ya have to realize this is Metal, not Warped Tour.
Same thing for every Milwaukee Metalfest I've gone to.

The8thPlague said:
Once again it went to show how many Unattractive chicks are in the metal scene. :)
You'd think out of a couple thousand people there'd be some hot chicks...but then ya have to realize this is Metal, not Warped Tour.
Same thing for every Milwaukee Metalfest I've gone to.

Funny you should say that...I was thinking the same thing, only opposite. The only hot guys at that show were on stage! You would think that out of all those metal guys there would be some hot ones! It didn't help that the average age out there was 12, but I sure miss Florida and Atlanta shows!!!
actually one of the 1st things I noticed was the more than average amount of just straight out Ugly people there.
I was talkin' to a friend on the phone who was on his way there & I said "Look out when you get here because There's so many ugly people here. should be here w/ a camera takin' pics for their site."
"Now I remember how ugly high school kids were, because there's a whole lot of kids going through puberty that are here right now, & it's really really noticable."
The8thPlague said:
actually one of the 1st things I noticed was the more than average amount of just straight out Ugly people there.
I was talkin' to a friend on the phone who was on his way there & I said "Look out when you get here because There's so many ugly people here. should be here w/ a camera takin' pics for their site."
"Now I remember how ugly high school kids were, because there's a whole lot of kids going through puberty that are here right now, & it's really really noticable."
Yep...exactly!!! It was really bad for me because I am the age of like, Clutch and Gwar! There was this ONE little hottie, but that would get me a visit with sheriff joe!
"older". I like opposed to old that is!
Hey, what was up with all that no contact pseudo moshing kung fu fighting shit that was going on? Strangest thing I've ever seen! I am from the old school where a pit was all about elbows and knees.
Yeah you should have came up and introduced yourself, yes I was with my friend Kirsten, she was wearing camos.
I thought that was you. you were in front of the sound board a too just mostly at different times! you walked right in front of me! I just wasn't sure and didn't want to sound like a retard, "excuse me, are you John?"