Anyone going to the Dark Funeral/Enslaved show here?

^ lmao guys.

I went to the Québec show yesterday. What can I say, both Enslaved and Dark Funeral delivered one freakin' hell of a performance. I've never, ever, seen such intensity from a crowd, be it from video footage or actual live shows. Peoples were literally out of their mind, especially so during the Dark Funeral set, which is easily THE best performance I've ever seen. period. The vocalist even said that we were the single best crowd they had. Fucking hell was it insane...The moshing was really taken to the extreme, it's not even funny. While I'm not a big Dark Funeral fan, I just can't ignore the intensity of their performance. Oh, and the vocalist might just be the best black metal vocalist out there. Love or hate these guys, they simply are one of the most extreme, fastest black metal band. A fucking punch in the face, nothing less.

That being said, Enslaved is the reason why I broke my little sorry ass and decided to actually go to the show. They played most of my favorite songs:
(Path of Venir, Fusion of Sense and Earth, The Voices, Ascension, Return To Yggdrasill, Essence, RUUN).
. The chimestry between the crowd and the band was exceptionnal.

But yeah....

Wow man, so you DID afterall manage to go to the show eh? Kick...ass!!! While it isn't the best show I have seen, I can safely say the crowd in Toronto was fucking brutal as well. So much so, I wanted to avoid getting caught up in the mosh pit - which was, my god, just insane. Like you said, the energy from the crowd was truly something else. Although, I can't compare exactly to Emperor, as I forced my way up to the front and couldn't see the mosh from behind (I'm sure it was INSANE!) But honestly, I can only imagine how it was like in Quebec, where the the metal scene is superior I believe. Btw, the lead vocalist of Dark Funeral said something along these lines to the Torontonian crowd, haha: "You know, the people over in Quebec said that you guys here in Toronto don't know how to Mosh, well, they were wrong!", poking fun of us - then the crowd responded with a ROAR. Good times, hehe. And they played the track I was hoping for, "The Secret of the Black Arts." It was funny how he introduced it even - "I have a...little secret for you." Then at that point the crowd was going nuts realizing what the next song was going to be (in fact, I heard some shout outs previously as well...)

As for Enslaved; I haven't heard much from them until now, and you know what? I preferred them over Dark Funeral...slightly. Their sound was just more of my thing with that killer progressive quality that was displayed in their music. Just awesome! And I'll be damned those were some of the coolest solos I've heard recently. Wow! Heck, the audience went nuts for these guys as well, but their presence wasn't nearly as intense as DF's. One thing that kind of made me chuckle with Enslaved's performance was when the vocalist and lead guitarist did this thing with their guitars - like, you know, getting down on their knees and kind of doing this turn in sync with one another - right in tune with the riffs they were playing. I thought it was amusing, to say the least. I'm sure this is like a signature for them, haha.

All in all, yeah, I forgot about this thread but since it got bumped back up I thought I'd post my thoughts and say it was a BLAST! :rock: Time to pick up some Enslaved albums, that's for sure!
I just wish I was able to splurge more for beers...2 heinekens just doesn't cut it for me. :erk: But damn it all to hell, $6 a bottle????

edit: oh yeah, evilvince; I disagree, I recognized one of the newer songs DF played and thought it was pretty impressive. Far from suckage, I say. I believe it was a track called "An Apprentice of Satan", which I thought was amazing.
Awesome, I'm glad you enjoyed the show as well! "You know, the people over in Quebec said that you guys here in Toronto don't know how to Mosh, well, they were wrong!" aha, funny shit!! And yes, "The Secret of the Black Arts" was definitely an highlight.

I knew you would love Enslaved man. If the progressive sensibility grab your attention, I recommend checking out both "Monumension" and "ISA".

I live way the fuck up in the middle of nowhere and get maybe 2 metal shows worth going to a year and even these tend to suck. [/end whine] I think that the Enslaved's setlist is a bit weak with all the emphasis on new tracks.
An Apprentice... is from Diabolis Interium.

Oh crap, I thought that WAS the newest album...woops, got it mixed up with
Attera Totus Sanctus, as they both have quite similar cover arts (the red and all.) But Still An Apprentice is fairly new, anyway, right?

But yeah, now I do have to agree that the new stuff isn't too all. I remember him announcing the track 666 Voices in my Head and was not too impressed.
I never thought their stuff was too over the top. Secrets sounded like the same song over and over, the one after that I haven't heard that much, Diabolis at least had a nice mix of songs, and Attera is just nice for a drinking night. I'm sure live it will crush...I just have to skip school :(