Senior Member
Reading this thread is making me want to listen to DD.
Too bad it was lost in the mail to CM and I'm never getting it back. I'll have to re-buy it at some point...

Originally posted by Ormir
Reading this thread is making me want to listen to DD.Too bad it was lost in the mail to CM and I'm never getting it back. I'll have to re-buy it at some point...
I know absolutely nothing about html.Well, I think you should link the poison well to index.htm by means of an html link? Does that sound right?
It's the only song I skip on DD, and incredibly boring to my ears... To each his own.And I just have to say, Single Part of Two is the best song on the album, the best Dark Tranquillity song of all time, and probably the best death metal song ever written. Seriously. (Methinks my opinion ain't gonna be too popular 'round here, but here goes.)