Anyone heard the new Metallica album?


New Metal Member
Mar 11, 2003
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I managed to get the album a couple of days ago cos some supermarket was selling it early. Anyway, I have to say, I'm not dissapointed....

cos i didn't expect it to be good!

Really, I dont think it is as good as it was hailed to be. It's definetly different to anything they have done before, but I cant say that i really care for it. I dont like the drum sound on it and the fact that there is not one solo annoys me.
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No solos? Well, then I won't start another boring thread in Metallica's forum :lol:

No, now seriously, why don't they have solos? And how much "Metallica" sound is it? (except the solos!)
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Solos are one more thing that seems to have been declared "un-American." Well, not really, but most so-called music fans in this country have no idea when it comes to musicianship. Hopefully Metallica won't start catering to that trend too! Anyway, I heard three tracks from the album, and although I was dissapointed with most of what they have done recentlly (glaring exception: Garage Inc.), I really am not sure what to make of the album. All I can surely say based on what I have heard so far, is that for better or worse, this is by far the strangest Metallica album I have ever heard, with enough sonic chaos to make "Kill 'Em All" sound clean! Lars said in an interview last year that the album would be "heavier and more fucked-up" than their last couple of albums, and that it definitely is!
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I'm downloading it right now, and now I have listened to the first two songs, and they sound like a hybrid of Staind and System of a Down! (25% System, 65% Staind and 10% other wierd stuff) I don't know what I would or should think about it, I can't say that the songs are bad but I miss the old Metallica sound more!
I picked up the album yesterday and asked the question why it was out early? Apparently its to foil Napster ?????

From what I've listened to so far its excellent. Infinitely better than Re-load and Load.

Unfortunately bands do need to evolve, don't get me wrong I would love it if the Metalli boys had pumped out Ride the Lightning 1,2,3 and 4 and likewise Master of Puppets 1,2,3 and 4 etc. but it ain't gonna happen and yes there might not be any solos but there's plenty of "Metallica" of old to be heard in this album.

Lets all wait and see it performed live, and see how the new songs sit with the classics !
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Ive downloaded 2 songs, and I think its sounds like fucking nu-metal!!! where's the old Metallica? They also changed their logo, c'mon!

Though I think its alot better then load/reload. Maybe I'm going to like it after Ive heard it a couple of times...
Well I have heard the album and I can't say I'm overly impressed. OK so I have only heard the album once, but every song sounds the same and very ordinary. The only song to stand out for me was Sweet amber.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the album is s**t, it is just very ordinary. Most of the songs are quite long, and with there being no solo's they just seem to run on and on and get a bit tedious after a while.

Now guitar solo's are 'old school' and it is obvious Metallica are trying to appeal to the 'Nu metallers', hence no guitars solo's. But even 'Nu metal' songs have breaks in them of some sort. These new Metallica songs just seem to be repetitive.

I remember hearing Lars giving an interview once. The interviewer asked "What do you say to the people who say you have sold out?". And Lars replied with something like "Yeah sold out New York, Chicago, LA".

Well Lars, you have just sold out pure and simple this time mate! Don't get me wrong, there are a few Nu metal bands I like. But it's obvious Metallica has made a conscience effort to go down the Nu metal road, and it doesn't suit them. Not one bit.
Black Lagoon said:
Yeah Metallica are doing Heavy again!!

Pity it is at the expense of decent songs and guitar solos though.

Not a bad album, but not the return to form I was expecting.

I agree. Its not their best, but its not their worst. The market driven Nu-sound-style is very apparent...especially in the video for St anger with the band leaping into the air together like a bunch of teenage wannabes. Money and market forces appear to be Metallicas priority rather than their long suffering fans. It really rocks in places though but these same songs also seem to be over-long for no good reason??? Hemmmets talent isnt used and Hetfields voice questionable at times. 6/10 Metallica score 8/10 Nu band score.
St.Anger sounds like shit...I can't believe a band with a big budget and a big producer like them can release something with such an horrible sound...The drums sound like a tin can, there is no bass to be heard, no solos...It's incredible...I know it's what they wanted, but I can't understand their decision. Probably they know that than can release any shit they want and it'll still sell like hot pancakes...As for the songs themsleves, I think most are too long and Hetfield's voice has never been worse. However, with a "normal" production, this could have been listenable...As it is, I won't listen to this turd anymore.

I think St. Anger fucking SUCKS!!!! Metallica are capable of sooo much more. From some of the interviews I've read the band basically just threw this piece of shit together. When an idea came together it was complete within a few hours. The lyrics were written on the spot and then recorded. All this in an attempt to keep the song concepts true to their original form.

Bob Rock himself stated that the tracks were thrown together quickly and they tried to keep the overall sound very raw. Personally I think it sounds like shit.

I am just glad I didn't buy it. My Nu-Metal listening cousin has it. And he loves it!
I've just tried to give it a second listen. I'm also glad I had the good sense to get a free downloaded version before buying it. The only good thing about it is...Errm...err....there's nothing good about it at all. Metallica are a bunch of greedy corporate bastards who are just trying to cash in on the Nu Metal market. By doing this they've betrayed their fans. No wonder Jason left. I wonder what Cliff would think if he could hear this piece of shite?! It's such a shame for Metallica as they are capable of so much more.

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