What is the WORST album you've ever heard and what album was biggest let-down?

i downloaded a song from the new album just now.."heros return"..and oh my god, this is catchy stuff! :D
it isn't a fast song though..i would say about 140bpm..:)

NP: hammerfall - heros return :rock:
i must say that no prayer for the dying is one of their worst albums, but songs like bring your daughter to the slaughter and tailgunner are pretty damn great and lifts the album up a bit..

NP: iced earth - a question of heaven
Rob...I was really disappointed with that Savatage album too....I was really desperate to hear it but when I got it home there was no buzz as I listened to it.

Agreed...No prayer for the Dying is a weak album indeed...not much on there to save it really.
I must admit the songs of Poets I heard live (Surrender, Commissar) got a bit better with Damond on vocals; yet, Stay with me and There is the silence were not bad. But I really can't stand Jon's voice, aeons have passed since it was brilliant, now it's too rough. Damond, instead, screams his heart out. Any of you saw them live recently ? He sung City Beneath The Surface like Jon used to do 20 years ago!!! :grin:

NP: Threshold - Fraaaagmeeeentaaaatiooooon! :)
I've seen them twice live with Damond on vocals, the first time was last year when they supported Judas Priest and totally blew them away. Damond hadn't been in the band that long then but he did a remarkable job and shared the vocals with Jon Oliva (Who sounds better live than he does on the studio album).

The second time was earlier this year in London (The Garage I think). I know they came out 'strangely' to Queen's Show Must Go On, And I remember it was an excellent performance and Damond really sang his heart out.
Perhaps I should add two more let-down albums to this list. Savatage-The Wake Of Magellian was not as good as I was hoping for.(Their early stuff is fucking incredible though.) :)

And Nevermore's Dreaming Neon Black was a big let-down. I bought the cd expecting something profound and got something pathetic instead. :(