Biggest let downs ever recorded????

well after waiting years and years for a new release...the big hype behind it all..."we are going to make another album like Blackout...." The latest Release from the Scorpions "Unbreakable" was a real disappointment to me. Not one track sounds like anything hard -n- heavy from the blackout days. Most songs reminded you of another Scorps song, lyrics are mostly the same, nothing new, nothing surprising....such a let down. :err:
kittybeast said:
well after waiting years and years for a new release...the big hype behind it all..."we are going to make another album like Blackout...." The latest Release from the Scorpions "Unbreakable" was a real disappointment to me. Not one track sounds like anything hard -n- heavy from the blackout days. Most songs reminded you of another Scorps song, lyrics are mostly the same, nothing new, nothing surprising....such a let down. :err:

Same here Kitty...another HUGE let down is the mediocre album DOKKEN put out...I'll just live in the past when it comes to them, all the 80's bands gotta get with it! They gotta compete w/all the amazing new bands that are surfacing ;)
well opinions have changed alot in tha last month or so. Serenity in Fire doesnt move me like it did when I first got it. I still like it alot but has certainly been knocked off my list of 2004's best albums. Damn I miss my computer... grr. :Smug: