anyone here NOT using TS every time?

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
planning on doinf this for my bands next EP...going for a "bigger" more loose tone, doesn't have to be übertight etc.

usually when A/B-ing I always go with the TS track, but in this case I'll just omit the TS from the beginning and see where it gets me...
just did a quick test today with 4 tracks of 5150 and really liked it.
well, I've done it plenty of times before with great results, never on tight palm-muting-metal though, always on more rock/pop/crossover stuff etc.

anyone getting having great results for modern metal w/o a TS?
I only use it when i gotta give an amp some more gain (old JMP/JCM800) or when i'm going for a more static/cold tone, like with BM.

I think most amps sound much more lively without it imo!
Most pop/rock and weird post metal things are allways without TS.

So all in all i'm not even that much of a TS fan i guess haha
I do find it rather bizarre that people pay all that money for the finest high gain valve amplifiers and yet they still need to put some "cheap shit" solid state technology pedal in front of it to make it sound decent. :lol:
I never used a TS on my old 5150 II. That amp seemed to have an almost cocked wah quality about it. I also never used one with my Laney GH100R. On the other hand, my mid 90's triple rectifier was useless without a TS9. Flub city.
planning on doinf this for my bands next EP...going for a "bigger" more loose tone, doesn't have to be übertight etc.

usually when A/B-ing I always go with the TS track, but in this case I'll just omit the TS from the beginning and see where it gets me...
just did a quick test today with 4 tracks of 5150 and really liked it.
well, I've done it plenty of times before with great results, never on tight palm-muting-metal though, always on more rock/pop/crossover stuff etc.

anyone getting having great results for modern metal w/o a TS?

You're cheating anyway with that Bias mod. ;)

I think that with some combinations of guitars/amps, the TS is necessary. Some other combinations get the Splat88 result, making it sounds like blue plastic or something. ;)

I found the T-Rex Alberta though that's a lot more transparent but gives the boost I like.
It really depends on the amp and what I'm playing. I always used to boost my 5150, but really hated how overcompressed single-note palm muted stuff sounded. For me, that amp was compressed enough. If I was playing really percussive stuff, I might use it.

I have a Mesa F-100 which is a great amp, but way loose and really needs a tubescreamer to tighten it up. It brings it to the point of where it's jussssst enough. I dig it.

Or, I will use it for a JCM 800, Plexi, etc.

I never play withOUT one. Hell i used to used them on my Solid State amps, including my Spider II. I can't stand the sound of lows and low mid saturation, it always sound like muddy old man hairy nutsuck. Doesn;t help the tubes on my 5150 are extremely wamr and are completely useless without one, more so than a recto or marshall.

I do find it rather bizarre that people pay all that money for the finest high gain valve amplifiers and yet they still need to put some "cheap shit" solid state technology pedal in front of it to make it sound decent. :lol:

I have seen questions like that and find myslef scoffing at them, "why do you need a cheep device infront of an expensive amp to sound better?" hell OD pedals are the same price as pickups. Its not about the price though, OD's pedals are extremely simple circuits, a few resistors one LED a few resistors one capacitor and an opamp, thier job is to roll of the low end to control how much bass goes into the amp as well as add some very light clipping. They do nothing more than act as a high pass filter to pump the amp with more mids, making it more precussive and more gainy in the mids. YOu don't need a fancy expensive schematic to achieve the end result
I can't stand the mid-hump generated by a TS. That's why I always use a sd-1.
Sounds very polished, but some may find it a bit too edgy.
Its not about the price though, OD's pedals are extremely simple circuits, a few resistors one LED a few resistors one capacitor and an opamp, thier job is to roll of the low end to control how much bass goes into the amp as well as add some very light clipping. They do nothing more than act as a high pass filter to pump the amp with more mids, making it more precussive and more gainy in the mids. YOu don't need a fancy expensive schematic to achieve the end result

I know, I used to build them myself. :)

You'd think the amp builders would include them in the amps though, boost circuit and all that?
I can't stand the mid-hump generated by a TS. That's why I always use a sd-1.
Sounds very polished, but some may find it a bit too edgy.

I use the SD-1 too, very edgy, not a mid hump but the overal volume of the mids and highs are compensated the more you roll off the bass so the amp is hit harder in the mids instead of the bass.

I know, I used to build them myself. :)

You'd think the amp builders would include them in the amps though, boost circuit and all that?

you would imagine that they would build one inside amps, well thats something I plan on doing to one up myself if I ever get around to building amps haha

that would definately be marketable though.
I use the SD-1 too, very edgy, not a mid hump but the overal volume of the mids and highs are compensated the more you roll off the bass so the amp is hit harder in the mids instead of the bass.

The highers mids don't sound as grainy as a TS does. And yeh, that balance thingy that you mentioned won't bother me much unless I'm hi-passing from 200hz or so.
:kickass:Same here. In the end it's all on taste. No one can say a TS sounds bad, neither can I. A TS has become a standard for many cool productions we listen to. I mentioned the SD-1 just to mention how it doesn't really treat the higher-mids like the TS does, which I prefer.

Apart from that, excuse me - but I know countless TS users who get all emo over the 1200hz-1500hz region, begging EQ to take care of it.:lol: Some don't, some do.

:kickass:Same here. In the end it's all on taste. No one can say a TS sounds bad, neither can I. A TS has become a standard for many cool productions we listen to. I mentioned the SD-1 just to mention how it doesn't really treat the higher-mids like the TS does, which I prefer.

Apart from that, excuse me - but I know countless TS users who get all emo over the 1200hz-1500hz region, begging EQ to take care of it.:lol: Some don't, some do.


haha true. I think the OP meant OD but said TS as they are commonly swapped around though. I think the whole idea behind the thread was asking who uses OD pedals to drive the amp harder.

and wtf does ThdDude mean by soundoing like plastic, OD's in gnereral don;t make a plastic sound, IMO its vintage and low to medium gain (non-metal) amps that do that reguardless of front of amp gear.

and that remark was just mean.