Made a loadbox with line out. Anyone want to hear samples?


Apr 18, 2010
So I made a loadbox that also has a line out with an adjustable pot for how much signal comes out. If anyone's interested I'm thinking about making samples of just the preamp send and then do the same clip of the load box which is pre and power amp send essentially.

Loadbox with TS9

Effects send with TS9

Loadbox without TS9

Effects send without TS(

Pictures: (Soon as well)

I know it works very well but I'm interested just as much as you guys may be in the results. Any DIs anyone would prefer to hear. It's going to be my Baron Custom Amps K88 demoing this. It's going to sound good. ;)

This test is going to be using KT88s but next week I'm going to do the same clips with EL34s. I always loved EL34s in this amp for some reason as KT88s are a bit too stiff but I don't have my Bias Probe so going to work with what I have right now!
Using Olas DIs. This is not my song. It belongs to Feared.

Loadbox with TS9

Effects send with TS9

Loadbox without TS9

Effects send without TS(

These are my results. To my surprise...they are so similar it's ridiculous.

Lexicon Lambda -> (magomi cable) -> ProRMP -> (lava cable) -> TS9 -> ISP -> (lava cable) -> Baron Custom Amps K88 -> (lava cable) -> Loadbox -> (lava cable) -> back to interface

Lexicon Lambda -> (magomi cable) -> ProRMP -> (lava cable) -> TS9 -> ISP -> (lava cable) -> Baron Custom Amps K88 -> (lava cable) -> back to interface

Cords were all decent lengths and very high quality.

Could you give a little bit more information on the loadbox? Is it passive or reactive?

Oh and nice clips btw. But I think I prefer the loadbox clips a tad.
The loadbox is passive. There's an 80w resistor that takes the beating from the speaker out of the Baron. As long as it's not cranked and timed to full it should work fine.

There are advantages to using the Loadbox over send though.

-You can use any knobs or switches that are made for the poweramp such as presence and density/thrust or any kind of switches that alter the tone of the power amp.

-You can alter the tone slightly with different kinds of poweramp tubes if your amp can handle different tube types.

-Easy to setup.

-You gotta buy/make one.

Also if anyone were interested in a loadbox with line out. I could make one for you. Made this a few weeks ago because I moved to my appartment. It's killer not having to make crank cabs or make excessive noise when recording/reamping.
I made mine out of some drill bit container but it's nice because you can open the top.


If anyone is interested I can make a legit one with a proper enclosure and even labeling.
Sorry guys I used LOLZGREGs Recto impulse in keFIR for the cab simulation.

It does it does and Id use that if I could but im not shelling out $100 for the box haha. Very expensive drill bits. :lol:
Wow you're right. I just noticed that. I have my Presence and Thrust/Density/Resonance both at noon so that's definitely all coming from the power section. Very happy with this thing and so will a few others too. ;)

Not many flea markets in the area at all so I'm just sticking to simple enclosures for now.
I used a schematic someone made for me but I was told not to release it on the net. Sorry.