Recommend me a loadbox please.


Nov 26, 2009
Ok... so basically I'm trying to escape from amp simulator world. I have a Laney Pro-Tube 30w and a Marshall JCM900-SLX 50w that I'd really like to use for recording with and I figure that getting a loadbox to use with the impulses I have will give me a way to get better sounds from my recordings. I've never used one of these things before so could use some advice.

I'd like something able to handle a pretty comprehensive range of power ratings as I'll probably get new valve amps in the near future. I don't really care about having a speaker output, volume control or whatever but a DI out would obviously be useful so I can run it straight through my interface and into an impulse without having to take a line out of the effects loop or whatever.

The main thing I'm not familiar with is how reactive vs. resistive fits into this context. I don't want my gear getting damaged for sure and I've read that reactive loads are more suited to valve amps. Does a reactive load offer that significant an advantage and can anybody recommend some products that fit the criteria mentioned above and don't cost £££££££? Thanks.
If you want a rackunit than go for Two-Notes Torpedo Live (~900€)

if that's too expansive than have a look at seperated loadbox and impulses:
loadbox -> Tone-Hound (139€)
IRs -> Redwirez BigBox ($125) or Two-Notes Torpedo PI-101 (~222€)
These two allow you to use your full amp inclusive its poweramp, because of reactive loads and impulses with no imprinted poweramps.

And if you want it the cheapest possible way..than just use this resistor + cable (9€+8€). But than your poweramp reacts not as a real one and you should only use the preamp-out/fx-send from your amp but you can use every free IR flying around here, because they have imprinted powerampsections. But this way isn't really an improvement from ampsims.
I already use Redwirez IR's. I've purchased quite a few of the Bigbox sets over the last couple of years, I use the Acme Bargig iFace as loader. Going to buy Nebula at some point in the future as well. These are the main impulses I use these days tbh. Wouldn't be using this for live though, its just the convenience and quality angle of recording more than anything. Tonehound seems a very interesting product and the price is definitely appealing so I will be investigating that one more.
Thats originally what I was considering before I read up about reactive loads producing a better sound (as Red Phoenix mentioned) so I changed my mind on that one.
I actually saw that earlier Ashgarth...

"Unfortunately, the load will be resistive as reactive components required to make the reactive load aren't readily available"

Thats the thing see, I'd read that a reactive load generally sounds more authentic and better when you throw your amp through something like Redwirez impulses... otherwise I'd have just bought a couple of mega resistors off t'internetz. I'd like to know how much difference I can expect from using reactive vs resistive but so far Tonehound seems more like the kind of thing I'm looking at as long as the "faint noise" isn't 5000db of faint noise :lol:
The difference between resistive and reactive loads has more to do with frequency response than anything, less bass around the 100Hz area and slightly darker highs. Fortunately my loadboxes are designed to be upgraded and reactive loads can will be purchasable in the near future and can be easily user upgraded.
I kind of need something, like, next week otherwise I'd probably be interested TheWinterSnow. I'll probably buy Tonehound as long as the "faint noise" that it apparently gives off isn't too much to bear.
I wanted a loadbox for a while but all I've seen cost a lot. The ToneHound is pretty interesting! I think I'll buy one with a Palmer Pan 01 for less than 200 bucks :)
Yeah I'm going to order mine today I think. I am also after a DI box which can be set up between the head and the dummy load with the power being dumped into the dummy load via the THRU and a balanced line out to the desk but I haven't found anything suitable as of yet. UK shop support staff are not very helpful :cry: I would buy the PDI-01 but I don't think it will do what I want.
I already use a J48 to record the dry signal (in that case, I use amp sim + impulse in PT). What I'd need now would be a simple/cheap DI to use the Tonehound - the Palmer 01 would do the job I guess. That way, I could record the dry signal through my J48 AND the amp signal.

Am I missing something?
Well.... the main problem I've had shopping for DI boxes is some of them seem to have really uber-lame cab emulation that you can't switch out....

Also to be set up like:

Amp head--->Di Box---->Load

(I.e. power being dumped into a dummy load + a balanced line out to an interface)

Then it needs to be able to take speaker level outputs... thats another thing im unsure of tbh.
Don't really understand what you need exactly but in my case, it works like that:
Amp speaker output 8ohm> Palmer PAN 01 input ll Palmer PAN 01 link out > Tonehound ll Palmer PAN 01 output > Digi003 > PT w/impulses
Guitar > J48 input ll J48 thru > amp input

If anyone can tell me if there's something wrong although it seems to work to me.
If you want a rackunit than go for Two-Notes Torpedo Live (~900€)

if that's too expansive than have a look at seperated loadbox and impulses:
loadbox -> Tone-Hound (139€)
IRs -> Redwirez BigBox ($125) or Two-Notes Torpedo PI-101 (~222€)
These two allow you to use your full amp inclusive its poweramp, because of reactive loads and impulses with no imprinted poweramps.

Will the sound of the Tone-Hound + PI-101 combination be as good as the Torpedo Live?
(Are the cabsims of the PI-101 the same as the Torpedo Live's?)
The Torpedo PI software has all the poweramp/cab/mic sims like the hardware units. Only the dummyload for that purpose is missing..and of course, you can't fit the plugin into your rack ;)
I don't know how the load of the torpedo live is designed but on the page it says its also an reactive load like the ToneHound so it should sound quite similar. The difference should only be like using a different real speaker as "dummyload" while using cab sims.
Yeah I'm going to order mine today I think. I am also after a DI box which can be set up between the head and the dummy load with the power being dumped into the dummy load via the THRU and a balanced line out to the desk but I haven't found anything suitable as of yet.

build your own one..its so damn simpel and costs almost nothing..the chassis would costs the most :loco:
Dude, no joke, I am crap when it comes to soldering and I wouldn't wanna risk fucking up mine (or potential future customers) amps. The only box I can find which will do what I want seems to be a fucking Behringer model of all things...

In case people aren't too clear what I'm trying to do, because I haven't really described it too well imho, then heres a pretty diagram.