Anyone here using custom ear plugs?


Robot Penis.
Apr 26, 2008
Vallejo, CA
I've been mulling over the idea of getting a pair of custom ear plugs and i was curious what people are using here. I normally just use disposables, but i've been wanting custom molded ones for a while.

what brand are you using? where'd you get your molds done? how much did that run you? how much of an improvement are they over disposables?
Yup - my brother-in-law makes them for a living for the NHS, so I get it all done for free :D

The ones I have are designed to just make stuff quieter, but they do take something out of the sound - they're a bit muddy, especially at really loud gigs. But they work great, they're comfortable for long periods, and they don't fall out when I sing - so they're a vast improvement on the little disposable ones I used to use.

I'm using custom in ear monitor molds made by sensaphonics that fit onto my Shure E3s. Definitely a worthy investment. I don't know if I would have a pair made just as plugs, though, since you can get nice ones cheap.
I've got custom molded Westtones with -25db filters in them. Best musical investment I've ever made. I think they were around $150 total, maybe a bit less. I had a local audiologist make the molds and order them for me. I wear them when I play shows, when I go to shows, sometimes even when I cut the grass :)

I notice high end sounds like cymbals are a bit muffled, but nowhere near as bad as they are with disposable foam plugs. I can hear everything just fine, just a heck of a lot softer.
Got them molded by my local audiologist, and they should be the standard etymotic filters.

I just got the filters with the highest rating possible, going from something like -25db in the lows to -40db in the highs. And I wear them whenever there's anything loud going on, because nowadays I'm really concerned about my hearing and I know I have sensitive ears.

Of course highend is not as prominent with them but I like that, and they still sound better than anything else I've had in the past, including those alpine thingies.
80 Euros for the pair (though my first pair cost me 180 euro years ago, but they were different and actually not as good).
how much db reduction is enough? I'm not sure how much disposables reduce. i'd preferrably go with whatever is flatest and natural, so i think i'd lean towards the westone 15s.
typical foam plugs do about 30dB.
I found 15 to be pretty reasonable for getting things down to comfortable level w/o feeling unnatural. When you first try them it is sort of strange b/c it almost feels like they aren't working b/c you are so used to losing all of the highs and none of the lows w/ earplugs.
The other thing is that you can swap filters once you have your molds so you can always switch to a different reduction level.
i have some -15 and -30 sets that were custom molded by a local doctor for cheap... i use the -30 alot of tracking metal bands with the can you turn me up to 11 type players.................... -15's i were inside my iso phones micing guitar cabs and playing drums in my small ass live room with a full band....