Anyone interested in doing another COBOT "album"?

Then, the best things will come never:(
:D The best things do tend to take forever to appear. Wintersun's Time II is coming when Jari gets his own studio which will very likely take from very long to forever. I'm also waiting for George RR Martin's next book which he has been writing since January 2012. It was originally meant to be done by Christmas 2014, then by Halloween 2015 and then finally by New Year 2016... Now Martin has gone back to "It will be done," without giving any indication of when it might be released or how much he has done so far. :D
My dog that I raised from a pup just passed away a few days ago dying in my arms shooting blood out her nose at age 9 when the week before the vet said she would live till at least 13 to 14- and my right arm is still messed up with limited strength so I'm really fucked up in the head atm. I will try to continue working on stuff in a few weeks I just can't think or record right now.
^As are we all :( You're in no hurry though mrKRB64. Once I finally finish my song (Hopefully this weekend) we'll have a grand total of two songs that are ready for publication. Now a small update on my part:

I got the solos recorded. Still need to re-record the riffs and melodies. They aren't exactly badly played at the moment either, but I still hope I can do better. I have also tentatively named the song "Visions" as it was made to match Joonas' vision of a perfect song.
I'm also waiting for George RR Martin's next book which he has been writing since January 2012. It was originally meant to be done by Christmas 2014, then by Halloween 2015 and then finally by New Year 2016... Now Martin has gone back to "It will be done," without giving any indication of when it might be released or how much he has done so far. :D

I'm about to continue a saga by an author where he returns to a story that started 30 years ago (which I finished 12 years ago). Characters will have aged 30 years. And trust me, good books take around five years to manifest, especially if planning the story is both personal and fictional and also multidimensional. Planning is everything, then you can pull it off when you know your voice. Editing takes time too and really rubs the story in your face. Planning a story is like gluing together different ideas that serve one theme, then figuring out the logical order and how everything relates. It's super interesting when you discover how a block is changed to make sense. You have the dynamics of different character roles, a story formula and everything.
And I'm done. Finally. Heh. Some really good parts, some not so good parts. Some not so good playing too. Overall the song is IMO pretty decent. I'm actually surprised at how well the solos turned out as I have never before really made any solos in any of my songs due to the fact that I can't play them :D
Damn, I wanna compose too, but I'm terrible with technology, and to me it would be about atmosphere instead of virtuosity. I wish there was a technology for dummies that allowed me to record the stuff I hear in my head. I could create it but recording is a whole different entity.

It's so silent in here. So silent.
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And I'm done. Finally. Heh. Some really good parts, some not so good parts. Some not so good playing too. Overall the song is IMO pretty decent. I'm actually surprised at how well the solos turned out as I have never before really made any solos in any of my songs due to the fact that I can't play them :D

What you sent me was awesome- if you really feel the need to re-record the solo then no problem. Your guitar tone is pretty sweet- sounds very smooth- and I like the song in general. When my arm hopefully gets better and I practice back up could you possibly help me with converting the keys and drums into whatever VSTs your using? They sound great especially the keys- I lost all those programs a while ago when my main hard drive crashed and even though I got most of it back I couldn't get those. I could always record real bass for your song when I can as that's the only thing I think your song could be improved upon (that's the only reason I bought and learnt a bass is cause bass VSTs don't sound very realistic).

Haven't done anything on my song as I still can't think clearly atm.
What you sent me was awesome- if you really feel the need to re-record the solo then no problem. Your guitar tone is pretty sweet- sounds very smooth- and I like the song in general. When my arm hopefully gets better and I practice back up could you possibly help me with converting the keys and drums into whatever VSTs your using? They sound great especially the keys- I lost all those programs a while ago when my main hard drive crashed and even though I got most of it back I couldn't get those. I could always record real bass for your song when I can as that's the only thing I think your song could be improved upon (that's the only reason I bought and learnt a bass is cause bass VSTs don't sound very realistic).

Haven't done anything on my song as I still can't think clearly atm.
Thanks. I'm not the only one who likes the song :D Yeah, just send me a MIDI file and I'll do the sounds for you if you want.
What was your old username mrKRB64? Do you have any contributions on the old albums? Some of the stuff there is really good, I've been listening to them a lot these last two days.
What was your old username mrKRB64? Do you have any contributions on the old albums? Some of the stuff there is really good, I've been listening to them a lot these last two days.

Haha I can't even remember exactly now I think about it. I'm not sure I even posted- was more a lurker.

Thanks. I'm not the only one who likes the song :D Yeah, just send me a MIDI file and I'll do the sounds for you if you want.

Sounds good thanks :) Did you want me to record bass for your song when I get a chance? If so just send me the guitar pro file/MIDI file and I'll do it as it doesn't seem that hard.
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Ok well good news is after a lot of rehab my right arm is much better so I can at least play guitar again. I don't have full strength in it still but I can shred again. I'll upload some random warm up soon so you can get an idea of how i'm going- gonna need a fair bit of practise to get back to where I was but at least i'll be able to start recording for the album again soon :)
I keep getting writers block on the bridge section of my song as the pieces together don't flow well due to tempo changes. I've only heard from Warheart and ESA regarding the album. Are other people still interested? I think I need an outsiders perspective with arrangements on my stuff/ contributing to it.

It would be cool to do a collaboration song as well!
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I keep getting writers block on the bridge section of my song as the pieces together don't flow well due to tempo changes. I've only heard from Warheart and ESA regarding the album. Are other people still interested? I think I need an outsiders perspective with arrangements on my stuff/ contributing to it.

It would be cool to do a collaboration song as well!
I'm feeling we are getting another EP :D Anyway, keep trying with the bridge. The bit you posted earlier in 8-bit sounded awesome.