I think I'm going to pull the plug on my efforts, I haven't touched it since I last posted due to being busy at work and outside of work leading up to Xmas. I now need to finish what I started before then as I was getting too tired to focus and I've started learning a few Psycroptic songs so probably won't bother with this for a while but will send a really old song like I mentioned before so I can still be featured if this ever gets done.
I haven't touched mine either because of work and I'm organising the thing haha. Either way take your time either recording something new or you can send something old over.
Won't be done to the end of the yearonly after new years eve..:S
As I said above- new years was a general deadline and a lot of people aren't anywhere near there like myself. It shouldn't matter if it takes a while as it's better to have decent songs than rushed crap.
Ok, got some artwork done, still feeling the cold burns. It's a cliff down to a lake at sunset, you just can't see the lake here... Would one of these do? My camera is faulty but I did my best. It's the Reaper looking down at a suicide spot. The last one is creepy as fuck, while the gold one looks like the candle is capturing the sun.
Those are actually pretty cool photos- good job! The descend the abyss one is my favourite. See what you can do when you don't talk about COB's lack of atmosphere on their new albums? You can do photography that has it. I really couldn't care less if the album was called "Songs from the Sphincter"- you seem to have a few ideas for album titles so brainstorm a bit more- probably best to see what people call their songs to get an idea for a album title? I dunno- your call.