Anyone interested in doing another COBOT "album"?

You're rite that's a bad idea. I think I meant a "COB style song" in different metal genres. Well. Kinda boring, as there's nothing interesting for me to anticipate in the music world. All these great 90's metal bands lost some of their epicness so it's not the same thing anymore... I'm still waiting for a band that makes black truly properly, not just nice bits here and there. And I'm waiting for another good doom band besides Swallow the Sun. I could listen to the trance-like blastbeats of black metal with magically dark atmosphere forever, just as I could to the incredibly slow, dynamic and powerful world of doom. Almost every band in these genres sounds shit and just wrong. And another good melodic death metal band with aliens in the music, besides Hypocrisy...

What you can do with slow tempo: 4:27 -

This sounds like sailing on a stormy and treacherous dark sea.

It's hard to tell what you want out of music. I've recently listened to Time 1 again by Wintersun and in my opinion it doesn't really get more atmospheric than that. Check it out if you haven't.
Joonas, you seem to be misunderstanding the original point of people making a COBOT album. There was never any goal or guideline in place for people to write anything similar to Bodom's music, or even metal. Everyone kind of just threw something together for fun and that was the album. The only reason COBOT was in the title really is because that's where all of us posted. Anyways, I have some stuff I could throw together for this when I find time. If anyone needs some help with guitar-related stuff let me know as well. I may not get this done in a timely fashion, but it'll be done eventually lol.
Hey think I am a little late for this but if anyone needs a hand with some of the mixing/editing I'm keen to help out, won't be pro but it will be pretty good.

Hey dude can you mix the vocals way the hell down in this Punch Me I Bleed clip, 4:57.5 - until 9:25 where you fade it out by 9:32, cut the song and upload it with the video. You can increase volume in the music a bit. This live version sounds wicked but the vocals are too up. Would be much appreciated!

Hey dude can you mix the vocals way the hell down in this Punch Me I Bleed clip, 4:57.5 - until 9:25 where you fade it out by 9:32, cut the song and upload it with the video. You can increase volume in the music a bit. This live version sounds wicked but the vocals are too up. Would be much appreciated!

This is unfortunately impossible. Music is mixed by having individual tracks and then altering their volume. A live video only has one track so you can't alter the individual instruments.
w h o t h e f u c k a r e t h e s e p e o p l e

i dont recognise anyone other than brent or joonas

why post a cobot album thread anywhere other than cobot
i know ive posted in here before fuck off im drunk
w h o t h e f u c k a r e t h e s e p e o p l e

i dont recognise anyone other than brent or joonas

why post a cobot album thread anywhere other than cobot
i know ive posted in here before fuck off im drunk
We are the modern regulars :D You should know Arcane at least, he's been here since 2007. I joined on the 3rd of January 2011 IIRC, just in time to see all the threads before RRF. I remember you from the OT forum though I've rarely posted there. Why put the thread here? Because no one visits or posts on the OT forum anymore.
I think some people do it, it sounds a bit bad quality, but you can increase the low and hit pitches or something.

The part 8:30 - 8:41 alone has so much atmosphere and cathiness. So much feel and emotion in this song.
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I think some people do it, it sounds a bit bad quality, but you can increase the low and hit pitches or something.

The part 8:30 - 8:41 alone has so much atmosphere and cathiness. So much feel and emotion in this song.
You can EQ the thing again, but it doesn't really affect the vocals. It it sounded really bass heavy or the cymbals were pushing through too much, then EQ might be able to fix it.
We are the modern regulars :D You should know Arcane at least, he's been here since 2007. I joined on the 3rd of January 2011 IIRC, just in time to see all the threads before RRF. I remember you from the OT forum though I've rarely posted there. Why put the thread here? Because no one visits or posts on the OT forum anymore.

aye i know who arcane is. and i think i vaguely recognise your username, but id long since stopped being a regular poster here by that point

this nostalgia trip isnt making me feel good. im out for another few months, peace
w h o t h e f u c k a r e t h e s e p e o p l e

i dont recognise anyone other than brent or joonas

why post a cobot album thread anywhere other than cobot
i know ive posted in here before fuck off im drunk

Late reply but I was here way before you were yet I forgot my login details as I was a lurker so had to create a new account. The Off Topic forum is dead almost like the whole forum so I thought it would be something neat to do. Anyways does anyone have any updates on their songs? I injured my neck exercising and haven't been able to move my right arm for 3 weeks and have been for a MRI neck scan & bone scan & countless physio sessions yet they're not sure what it is so I need to get another MRI scan on my shoulder to see if there is nerve damage so yeah haven't been able to record haha. I can still use my fingers but my shoulder is fucked and have no strength so can't pick properly yet i'm still working on finishing the song in guitar pro.
^Shoulder press snap? Might be a pinched nerve or just a torn muscle on the shoulder. They're so linked from neck to shoulder. If there's no neurological symptoms and no pain when touching then it probably isn't a neck fracture, if there was no whiplash, so go get some muscle relaxants from doctor, and if that doesn't solve it then get a sport massage. Next time you shoulder press, lift with your elbows closer to the center, lighter weights and longer time under tension...
^Shoulder press snap? Might be a pinched nerve or just a torn muscle on the shoulder. They're so linked from neck to shoulder. If there's no neurological symptoms and no pain when touching then it probably isn't a neck fracture, if there was no whiplash, so go get some muscle relaxants from doctor, and if that doesn't solve it then get a sport massage. Next time you shoulder press, lift with your elbows closer to the center, lighter weights and longer time under tension...

The weird thing was I wasn't lifting weights it was one of my cardio days but as soon as I started my neck began clicking. I really should have stopped but wasn't in pain so kept on going -_-

I was wondering how we should release it- so far the only contribution i've got is from Mitch who sent me a song he did years ago. I was thinking either compiling it all and putting it on soundcloud or youtube
The weird thing was I wasn't lifting weights it was one of my cardio days but as soon as I started my neck began clicking. I really should have stopped but wasn't in pain so kept on going -_-

I was wondering how we should release it- so far the only contribution i've got is from Mitch who sent me a song he did years ago. I was thinking either compiling it all and putting it on soundcloud or youtube
I'll have mine sent to you within a week. I'll just re-mix it and perhaps record a solo first.
Wow, COBOT V is taking a while, lol.

I've recently picked up mandolin so if someone wants to do a cover of cover of CCR or some other folky shit - I'm game. Violin's also a-go if your song needs it for some screwed up sadistic reason.

As for an actual song - fuck it, probably not happening. Guess I'm getting too old/lazy/spoiled by people who offer money for music. But eh, you never know.
Re-mixing is finally done (Only 1,5 week late :D), but I'm kinda thinking that I should re-record the entire thing too. So... a week or two perhaps?