Anyone know much about windows??

Originally posted by Lord Tim
A Packard Bell...?!

Agh! Forget everything I just said... Backup your mail, bookmarks, Kem's nudie pics (HAHAHAHA!) and use the recovery disk...!

I remember the last PB I worked on 4 or so years ago... My therapist says I'm getting better... (Unlike the Packard B.... B... Be.... AAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!)

Nudie pics? Hahaha yeah right!
what ever you do don't upgrade to any newer version of windows or NT, trust me, repartition that hard drive and start again. You will be glad you did.
The first thing I did when I saw my friends new Gateway computer was format - partition. They put so much crap on those name brand computers. I have my computer booting up in about 15 seconds. My friends would boot in 5 minutes with all the garbage on it.

And why do people bag Windows Millenium? Ive had it on here for a few months. It runs faster and I never get the blue screen of death!

ok, so I don't make this post sound too Nerdy, I better add a comment about how I love woman and sports. (lucky :grin: )

yea chris, people never should use those preinstalled versions of windows, they are usualy really bad.
I have never actually used winMe but i think people were expecting more than a slightly updated version of win98. Which i understand it is.
Hey im using windows 2002 right now, and office XP, its amazing what new shit you can see when you work for microsoft.

I had WinME on for a while. I rarely got more than two hours without it bluescreening on me. And I wasn't doing much more than surfing.

Now I'm back to Win 98 se.

And I'm trying to install Linux-Mandrake 8.0 but the god-damn thing won't connect to my cable modem. Stupid thing's driving me nuts.

Gavin: Win2002 is XP right? Any good? Will it run my games properly? Are they still gonna include that stupid hardware signature thing?
Yea its XP, the beta 2 version is called whistler
I have signed a contract of secrecy so i really can't tell you much. Basically if your games run on win2000 they will be ok on XP.
It has a few cool new features but it isn't really a huge jump up from 2000.
Office XP has some cool new stuff.