Anyone know Tad Morose ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I hang out mostly in the oldschool forum but I post here on occasion.

I don't normally like to jump into a forum and just post some band I like, but I have to make an exception with this band. I don't think a band has kicked my ass this hard in about five years. Tad Morose's newest release "Modus Vivendi" is incredible.
They are a power metal band from Sweden, but they are not the typical high clean voice, fast drums you think of when you see the term "power metal." The only thing they do that is typical power metal is the big harmony vocals and I like that aspect of power metal.
The vocalist, Urban Breed is more like Dio, Martin or Mike Howe.... kinda oldschool. There are samples of this band on the Century Media website. As I say, I am not spamming here. I just think these guys kick ass and I want everyone to at least hear their name because they have neeb making music for 11 years and I just discovered them.

yup, they're great. I have Matters of the Dark (the one before MV) as well and it's superb.

They are very power metal though, just because power metal, if you strip it down, is just classic/traditional metal sped up and ultra-melodicized, made a little more theatrical. They used to be more progressive, but they used to have a different singer as well. Urban Breed has been around for about 4 albums now though.
Orion Crystal Ice said:
yup, they're great. I have Matters of the Dark (the one before MV) as well and it's superb.

They are very power metal though, just because power metal, if you strip it down, is just classic/traditional metal sped up and ultra-melodicized, made a little more theatrical. They used to be more progressive, but they used to have a different singer as well. Urban Breed has been around for about 4 albums now though.

I disagree that they are "very" powermetal. To me those typical Euro powermetal have those super high and clean (clean in the oldschool term meaning no rasp in the voice) vocals and almost constant double bass. Orion Crystal, this band has progressed so much with their latest release, "Modus Vivendi" it is amazing. As I said in my first post, I don't post here much, but the last thing I am doing is spamming. The new release kicks so much ass I think even ya'll that like the more aggressive stuff will really get off on it. I wouldn't have come here in the first place if I didn't think someone here would get their ass kicked by them. Tad Morose reached down my mouth and pulled my fucking skeleton out.
As I said in the first post, they ARE power metal, but like American late 80's powermetal like the Howe era Metal Church power metal, not Helloween stuff.
This band rips. I am not trying to change everyone's mind about powermetal, but simply want to introduce people to the band I think does it the best. This band doesn't fuck around !! Maybe a mid-tempo song here and there but no power ballads on this disc.

Helloween wasn't flowery at all (Walls Of Jerhico had balls of STEEL), but they sure spawned a shitload of flowercore bands.

Are Tad Morose comparable to early power metal such as Fates Warning - Awaken The Guardian, Jag Panzer - Ample Destruction, and early Blind Guardian as well as Howe-era Church? If so, I'll check them out.
I got turned on to them a few months ago and cannot stop listening to MV, wish I could make PPV but you all have a great time! Soon I'll have more TM to listen to as I must have everything else they've done! Any Recommendations Bryant on where to start first or just buy them all now! LOL