Will tad morose manage without Urban?

Normando said:
Walt... stinking shame... They were everything you could imagine and more! They played for over 2 hours. Lefay was great the night before, but not as good as Tad.

I spent some quality time talking to all the guys in Tad Morose. Who would have ever imagined this would occur on US soil? ... they also enjoy playing ice hockey.. just as I do.

They put on an amazing show for us... over 2 hours. Great memories.

Walt... here is a great shot I took of Urban... Now crank up Sword of Retribution and imagine this is Urban singing it to you.

Urban's new band Bloodbound looks very odd, but they sound awesome.. I will be buying this disc soon.

I am confident that Krunt and company will find a worthy replacement and keep the string of awesome CDs rolling.

Thanks for not rubbing it in...:grin:

I know, I heard from others and I saw the set list. *Long sigh* Oh well. This isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened. In 1992 a friend and myself won two free tickets to see Black Sabbath with Dio. He was the driver (and the tics were in his name) but he had to go pick up his parents at the airport instead. So neither one of us went.:yell:

What a friggin waste.
Gaunerin said:
As good as Urban was, we -as fans- shouldn't pronounce the band dead before we even know who's going to sing for them in the future.

Absolutely. That is a great point dear. Although I don't know of a Swedish singer in the market ofr a band, I do know one that is up to Urban's standards (though in his own style.) I will admit those are big shoes to fill though. I won't take sides in the TM/Urban split, but it is truly ashamed that they couldn't have got along better.

Walter_Langkowski said:
Yup. Urban is a fantastic talent but it takes a whole band to make magic. Those guitarists aren't exactly a couple of mopes if you ask me. I think they'll be just fine.

Drums and bass are excellent as well. Peter is close to an elite player. I personally think Daniel and Christer are quite average as far as soloists, but the rythm harmonies and structures they have as well as pure "riffs" they have created are simply awesome. I certainly mean no offense to Christer and Daniel either labeling them as "average." It is purely stylistic differences of what I prefer, not ability.

Squeak said:
Of course they will manage fine without him. The band has been around for a long time, it's not like he was the only person in the band. Urban would not be known to ANYONE outside of Bollnas or maybe Sweden if it hadn't been for TM taking a chance on him. Who's to say there isn't another dude out there that WE don't know about (hence, like Urban was back in the day) that won't be found, added and kick our asses?
While I wouldn't pronounce Tad Morose dead, and I'll certainly check out whatever they do next, things don't currently look good. The simple fact of the matter is, if singers like Urban grew off trees, there wouldn't be so many unoriginal, weak singers in the genre. When all is said and done, they need to replace him with someone who is equally talented, equally original and fits the bands sound equally well. I wish them luck.

So what you are saying Zod is that they need to get Urban back?!?!

Ha... messing with ya.

I think that these bands and individuals need to realize that it is the sum of all parts that make them special... in ANY capacity!

Hell, look at Michael Kiske from Helloween... Great fucking talent but after they parted ways he hasn't done enough to make anyone take notice... Yes, I know. Guest parts on many, many things which are great to hear but... nothing really worth while and to me, nobody really cares about him anymore. We are all wishing that it might go back (yeah, kinda like DeGarmo and Queensryche) but the time has past and it will NEVER be the same again... From either side!

Be careful what you wish for.
Narcosynthesys68 said:
So what you are saying Zod is that they need to get Urban back?!?! Ha... messing with ya.
Actually, no. I'm sure they parted ways for a good reason. However, I think Tad Morose as at a greater disavantage, than Urban is. Urban merely needs to find a good songwriter to work, assuming he himself isn't one. Tad Morose needs to find an elite vocalist. I think the latter is more difficult to come by.

NoCc said:
I think Tad morose will loose all it's momentum now and sink their way through the ranks.. just like Falconer did when Blad left the band and the replacement couldn't fill his shoes :/ To bad, I really liked Tad morose.. Oh well, I can always sit at home and jack off to Modus Vivendi :loco: :P

Yeah Falconer sucked without Mathias Blad he's such an amazing singer, I'm just glad he's back now!
Yeah.. I became real happy when I saw it.. let's hope we see "old singer becomes new singer" on the tad morose site in 1-2 years ;P
The Minds Eye said:
Yeah Falconer sucked without Mathias Blad he's such an amazing singer, I'm just glad he's back now!

nope, they were still excellent. Gobel is an excellent and versatile vocalist in his own right. I hope he ends up in some good band soon.
Thought Göbel's voice was pretty boring :/ it was not bad but you was just plain bored of it :/
Looking for a singer to represent what Tad Morose is may be a difficult choice,and replacing the likes of Urban will be daunting,but they can head off in new directions which may or may not be good.As a band Tad Morose grew in leaps and bounds when Urban joined the fold,branching out with their music and maybe getting away from the doom metal aspects.By replacing Urban,we may see a strange new direction which could bring in new fans while still holding on to a fair percent of old fans.
Its all a matter of taste,and I for one believe there will be a future for Tad Morose