Anyone know this source sound?


Straf Drah Studio
Apr 25, 2012
I'm trying to replicate the intro effect here. I get the distortion, delay and a bit of verb, but I can't figure out the source sound. I tried almost every piano I have and went through Omnisphere for about an hour and couldn't find anything close. Anyone have any idea what might have been used?

I used 3 different instruments. The first is an electric piano. I'm not sure how to describe the sound for you to find a similar one so I included a sample of it's sound. Intro Electric Piano No FX.mp3
Second instrument is a standard church organ. Third is a thumb piano. All three have Delay, Distortion and Reverb. The only setting that is different between them is the amount of distortion. The distortions are in the same order from left to right as the instruments listed. Intro.png
Try something like a Rhodes or Electric piano sound as the source but then yeah drive it hard with some gain for that compression and dirt, and then modulation for the detune and some delay.
It didn't even dawn on me to try adding a church organ. Thank you so much! I'm gonna take another whack at it when I get home.