Anyone notice the piss poor production quality...

Fag Heafy did a Betcha Can't Play This? Do they get anyone that plays a guitar solo to play one? I bet they will want Kerry King to play one next. AT least in that case, nobody else could play it since nobody even knows what the hell he is doing.

I just saw it! Someone with a haircut like that should not be allowed to wear a Death t-shirt! His solo wasn't too bad though. It was better than Dragonforce's at least.
i think heafy is a good musician. hes just writing the wrong material, and is in the wrong band. oh yeah he also has the wrong image, especially if he wants to be the "next metallica". as much as i dont like him, i still find him to be talented
I edited my post. He is actually not too bad but there are guys leagues ahead of him, even at his age.