Anyone on this forum good at making flash web sites?

that's why you do a non flash option on a flash website ;)

Flash is just annoying, not being able to right-click, and it's slow, and flashy transitions don't make a better experience.. and if you really want most transitions are now available in plain HTML5/CSS.
I don't agree with Apple's decision to not support it, but that doesn't mean I like it. And it doesn't mean its not a dying platform.
yep, flash is just not worth it (and I hate action script) one of the coolest sites I've seen were done with HTML5,
you can do some sick stuff with it-too bad I can't...only able to do some nice logos ;)
I also vote for HTML5. Adobe is going in that direction anyway, only a matter of time until Flash gets basically shoved out the window gradually over the next few years.