Anyone own/used a D-Box?


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
Hey guys, I'm thinking about getting a Dangerous D-Box. I never really considered any Dangerous gear before. I sort of didn't even think about it mostly due to price. However, I'm now considering the D-Box because I got offered a nice deal.

So anyway, what do you think about the D-Box? How is the D/A? That's what I'm most interested in. I have a Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 for my D/A. I assume the D-Box is "better," but I wont be able to say until I have the units side by side. Has anyone heard an improvement in their D/A with the D-Box?

I'm not as interested in the summing side of things, as the whole concept doesn't make much sense to me. Sure, analog imparts some distortions that can sound more pleasing than perfect digital math, but I've got Slate VCC, which does "the same thing." Furthermore, the idea of going through "sub-par" D/A just to get into the D-Box, then sum, then go back into "sub-par" A/D to get back to digital land for mastering etc. seems counter-intuitive, and like the extra steps of conversion could degrade the signal. Also, the Line-Ins on the Focusrite are padded down -10dB. so when I want to convert back to digital fromt eh D-Box, I'll either have to deal with the lower level signal and higher noise, or add 10dB or so of preamp "color" (the line-ins are routed through the preamp circuit).
That being said, I would certainly experiment with the summing if I do get the D-Box.

Anyway, what was your opinion of the D-Box when you used it?
Doesn't really sound like you'd be using it for what it's intended. In your position I wouldn't get it. Kinda sounds like you'd be getting just because you got a good deal on it not because it would help your sound
Don't have experience with the D-Box directly, but the the D/A in the Dangerous boxes are wonderful. The converter is the same one (supposedly) in the Dangerous Monitor, which I have heard quite a bit of and really like. I've heard only positive reviews of the D-Box.
A friend engineer of mine swears by them. Excellent DA and summing, he almost refuses to mix without it. I wouldn't get it if you aren't going to use the summing tho, half of what your paying for is the summing option really.