Arkhon Infaustus - Orthodoxyn
Sigh - Hangmans Hymn
Both above are ordered and on the way to arrive tomorrow. Really looking forward to both as their previous albums have rocked!
Behemoth - The Apostasy
A masterpiece. Again.
Candlemass - King of the Grey Islands
Fucking love it! Better than "s/t" and almost as good as "Epicus..." and "Nightfall".
Gloria Morti - Lifestream Corrosion
Pretty cool technical grind/death from Finland. I like the Chris Barnes-alike grunts from hell in particular.
Machinae Supremacy - Redeemer
Bought it coz it was cheap. Don't really like this band but they're from my neighbouring town and also the drummer worked at the desk when I bought it

Have to keep the poor guy happy since no one else seems to be buying em hahaha
Death Breath - Stinking up the Night
Sold it and now bought it again coz it was cheap as hell hahaha. Kinda like it but it gets boring in the long run.
Atrophy - Socialized Hate (re-issue)
Atrophy - Violent by Nature (re-issue)
I love Atrophy! Every bit as amazing as either Death Angel or Vio-Lence but they never gained the same cult status.
Vulcano - Bloody Vengeance (re-issue)
Classic Brasilian black/thrash! Brutal as hell for its time and still rules!
Akercocke - The Antichrist
Not as good as their last one but I still like it.
Trouble - Plastic Green Head
This one shocked me a bit. I love "Psalm 9" and "The Skull" so I had high expectations. This is not doom however but rather sounds like some weird mixture of Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, Sabbath and Guns n' Roses (!!!)...Gets better with each listen though.
Klabautamann - Der Ort
Very cool black metal with progressive tendencies!!! I love it!
Excalion - Waterlines
Excalion - Primal Exhale
Standard neo-classical power metal. Pretty good I guess. Nothing that'll make me cream my pants though.
Unchained - s/t
This one I fucking love!!! Brilliant heavy metal in the Maiden-vein! Kinda weak vocals at times but it still rules!
Ghost Machinery - Haunting Remains
Standard power again. Kinda like some songs.
Memorized Dreams - Theater of Life
Decent Norwegian prog metal. Bot bad but nothing special either.
Savallion Dawn - The Charge
Pure crap
Satans Blood - Christians to Ashes
German's should do black metal (bar Dark Fortress).
Svartsyn - Bloodline
Blacker than black. I've always loved Svartsyn and this is no exception.