Anyone still into buying albums!?

@Alasdhair. God I love that album. Been listening to it for years.

Finally got the new nightwish after months of waiting. I'm very pleased. I admit I was a sceptic about whether I would like Anette's voice as much as Tarja's but I do.
Necros Christos - Trivne Impvrity Rites
Occult Necromantic Death Doom Metal of the highest level. Damn!
can't wait to see them in Berlin within a couple of weeks.

and it was fucking amazing!!!!!!!
bought there 2nd demo as well.
Necros Christos - Grave Damnation
3 excellent songs + intro's/outro's and as an extra the Goatlord cover, Acid Orgy.
@Alasdhair. I would get 'Draconian times' or 'Shades of God' . They went through a bit of a Depeche Mode phase a few years back but the last two albums are not bad at all. See if you can get them on sale or reduced
@Alasdhair. I would get 'Draconian times' or 'Shades of God' . They went through a bit of a Depeche Mode phase a few years back but the last two albums are not bad at all. See if you can get them on sale or reduced

Or via Amazon! :D

And I listened to their Synth Rock stuff, and it's not bad, so I'll get those as well... But I'll get those two first.
I'm not sure if I've added any of these. I've been busy as hell in the last 3 weeks after moving to my new house and this is what I've bought since that move...I think. There's probably a few more I can't remember right now and one or two of these might be a month old by now....

Agent Steel - Alienigma
Obituary - Xecutioner's Return
Space Eater - Merciful Angel
Gorefest - Rise to Ruin
Centurions Ghost - The Great Work
Nightwish - Dark Passion Play
Tankard - The Morning After
Rage - End of All Days
Deathspell Omega - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
Evile - Enter the Grave
HIM - Venus Doom
Legion of the Damned - Sons of the Jackal
Black Dahlia Murder - Nocturnal
Overkill - WFO
Fear Factory - Demanufacture
Turisas - Rasputin 7"
Turisas - Rasputin cds
Maze of Torment - Faster Disaster
Queensryche - Rage for Order
Fleurety - Min Tid Skal Komme
King Diamond - Fatal Portrait
Skid Row - Skid Row
Winds - Prominence and Demise
Dream Theater - A Change Of Season
Nocturnal Breed - Fields of Rot
Slayer - Diabolus in Musica
Slayer - Undisputed Attitude


Exodus - Atrocity exhibition - Exhibit A
Helloween - Gambling with the Devil
Moonspell - Under Satanae
Well, maybe I'm just older than you and I've had more time to buy cds. I've been actively into metal for the last 20 years but it's only in the last 10 years that I've started to buy a lot of records. When I was 17 I had somewhere around 150-200 cds. So since turning 18 I've advanced from that to 1500. Also it's just the last 3 years (since getting a job after university studies) maybe that I've really been able to buy a LOT of records (300+ per year). Know what I mean? It takes time to build a collection :)
Well, maybe I'm just older than you and I've had more time to buy cds. I've been actively into metal for the last 20 years but it's only in the last 10 years that I've started to buy a lot of records. When I was 17 I had somewhere around 150-200 cds. So since turning 18 I've advanced from that to 1500. Also it's just the last 3 years (since getting a job after university studies) maybe that I've really been able to buy a LOT of records (300+ per year). Know what I mean? It takes time to build a collection :)

Oh man, that is fucking cool! One day, I'm gonna hope to have a collection like that!
I know a lot of people with much bigger collections. I'm pleased with mine though and not because of the amount, but the quality (imho). My older brother, who lives about 5 minutes away from me, has the same amount of cds approx and something like 500 vinyls. That's why I don't own more that I already do hahaha :lol: We basically never buy the same albums, since we can lend & borrow between each other and so on...
Well, maybe I'm just older than you and I've had more time to buy cds. I've been actively into metal for the last 20 years but it's only in the last 10 years that I've started to buy a lot of records. When I was 17 I had somewhere around 150-200 cds. So since turning 18 I've advanced from that to 1500. Also it's just the last 3 years (since getting a job after university studies) maybe that I've really been able to buy a LOT of records (300+ per year). Know what I mean? It takes time to build a collection :)

Yeah, you're right about time. But, there is another point: CDS in my country(Brazil) are expensive to us. :erk: They are not expensive. The problem is that we do not have enough money to buy a lot of them hehehe :erk:
Just ordered three albums and will be getting three demo's soon. I'll stick reviews up when they arrive.

Ordered Albums

Burzum - Filosofem

Sanctity - Road to Bloodshed

Paradise Lost - Beleive in Nothing


Apocryph - Drenched in Grace

Annwn - Broken Sword (+first demo)

Very immpressive epic style Folk Metal from Wales. Some songs are clearly taking a leaf from the Wintersun book, whereas other's are more Ensiferum style songs. On top of this, Aled's vocals are varied and immpressive. Only comment I can say is that the songs suffer from a lack of production, would be nice to see what they will be like re-mastered. Looking forward to more from this band.

Shieldwall - Blood and Iron

Rousing battle chants from Essex. Each song on the demo sounds like something the Saxons would have sung had they had guitars, keyboards and drums, with suitiably rousing riffs. The harsh vocals are very immpressive and sound like a true beserk warrior, but the clean vocals leave something to be desired, as they have a tendency to be drowned out by the sounds of the other instruments. Other than that minor problem, the demo is fantastic and I eagerly await the album set for release before Christmas.

Blacksmith - Sharpen the Steel