Anyone still into buying albums!?

Rage - Reign in Fear
Rage - Perfect Man
Rage - Secrets in a Weird World
Rage - 10 Years in Rage

...and thus finally completing my remastered Rage collection. I bought the other four when they were released, but for some reason I've stuck by the crappy old cd releases of the ones above. That flaw has now been rectified!
Mr. Lapin Kulta said:

The one with the black case. Dunno if it's actually called that, since the case is still at home and I might have mislabeled it after ripping it to my laptop.

[edit] Verifäkeet. Sorry, my bad. Brilliant album though.
The one with the black case. Dunno if it's actually called that, since the case is still at home and I might have mislabeled it after ripping it to my laptop. [edit] Verifäkeet. Sorry, my bad. Brilliant album though.

Yeah that's the one, I was just kidding about the spelling. The album is actually called Verisäkeet, but for some reason I've seen it spelled as Verifäkeet in all sorts of magazines, distros, webstores :p
Hahaha, and I can promise you that the new album's name will be even harder to spell, although it carries a slightly shorter title :heh:

Didn't pick up any albums today, but I did get the Traci Lords biography "Underneath it all". Should be an interesting read......
Ah, you're the man with the inside info.
All i got today was Karjala, edamer, eggs and Englantilais-Suomalainen Slangi Sanasto (that was last Thursday really, but who gives a fuck).
I was just going to order the Scum album since it was on sale but then I also found a couple of really cheap ones (1€ each) - now that's a good deal! :)

Scum - Gospels for the Sick
A.C.T. - Last Epic
Mind's Eye - A Work of Art
Neglected Fields - Mephisto Lettonica
Nasty Savage - Wage of Mayhem
Loss - Verdict of Posterity
I like the Scum album.. got it as soon as it was in stores, and it really surprised me! hopefully I'll see those guys live once...
bought, the Rebirt Of Dissection DVD yesterday, and it's overwhelming! great sound, super setlist, a band that plays like their life depends on it! Buy Or Die!