Anyone still listening to Communic?

I hear it a lot in Oddleif's voice. A lot of his little intricacies he does with his range remind of the way Warrel plays around with his voice. It's blatant to me that this guy is highly influenced by Warrel in the vocal department. I think they both have amazing voices I'm glad they both exist, rather than just one or the other.

I've listened to both bands enough that they don't really sound similar other than that, to me.
Two very different bands in my opinion, can't see the Nevermore comparison. There's very slight similarities to WD's vocals I think but only just (don't think Oddleif can quite do the "cat's got hold of the bollocks" squeals though)! :grin:
Someone told me I'd like them a lot, and played me Under A Luminous Sky. I shit everywhere. It's like Nevermore combined with Tool. I was sooOoo happy. And I can hear Warrel in Oddlief's vocals somewhat, but not enough to call him a ripoff or anything.

He got me their new album for Christmas last year. I was supremely disappointed. It was so boring. Haven't listened to it since. Maybe I should give it another shot.
The first song I heard off that album was the most boring thing I've heard in a long time. The intro is just one riff, with slight alterations, repeated like a million times. Disappointment...
Has anyone listened to Oddliefs old band, Scariot? He left before this song was made, but it's very good, minus the verse riff.

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Trying to give the new album yet another shot. I feel that they've pretty much made the same album four times with lesser and lesser results.

Mostly, although I still think that even if Waves is just a Conspiracy remix, it's still the superior album. I've still not been able to get into their latest album, but I still feel it's better than their last in the songwriting department.

Has anyone listened to Oddliefs old band, Scariot? He left before this song was made, but it's very good, minus the verse riff.

I've had Strange To Numbers for a while now. That's the only one I could find with him on vocals though. This is probably my favorite off of it too. Can't help but be reminded of The Black Horsemen (King Diamond) on the outtro either.

Gotta love the pronounciation on some of these words though...
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