Anyone use isotope ozone? I feel like a cheater!!


Mar 14, 2009
Hey Guys,
So I've been recording for about a year now, I read this forum and a few others and I've been slowly feeling more comfortable with some of my mixes but I've found myself having issues with my mixes never seeming BIG.

I've been using isotope ozone lately and I'm very happy with the results BUT I feel like I'm almost cheating! Like it's hampering me from learning new things.

Anyone else use this program?
I use the Loudness Maximizer portion for rough masters to show bands. It's almost unbelievable how much better it is at transparently boosting level than any other native maximizer I've ever used.
i use the loudness maximizer and the EQ just to hear what frequencies are not fitting well with the mix by doing numerous techniques like sweeping.

if your lacking "big"
its all about the compression, master limiting and tube saturation.
PSP makes a killer saturator!
you can download it on many websites to give it a shot
no point in buying it unless it works for you :)

and theres no such thing as cheating when it comes to mixing..
the only thing i consider cheating is when the band leaves and the producer re-does the takes himself cause the guitarist/bassis/whatever did not do it right or perfectly
and some call that cheating, some dont

just do whatever it takes to make a good mix
dont be a softie! haha :)

Fuck the rules
unless your talking about ultimate metal forum rules lol
Thanks guys!

I'll have to look into that PSP saturation plug. I'm not very familiar with saturation in general. I'll have to read into it.

I guess, It just almost feels to easy so I just wasn't sure what people thought on it.

I still need to figure out how to sweep the eq more in my mix overall to tell what it's lacking. I always feel like I have to much EVERYTHING and ozone sorta scoops a lot of my LOUD frequencies!

Still just having trouble mixing and I don't wanna use this as a crutch but I really like what's it's done for me.
Thanks guys!

I'll have to look into that PSP saturation plug. I'm not very familiar with saturation in general. I'll have to read into it.

I guess, It just almost feels to easy so I just wasn't sure what people thought on it.

I still need to figure out how to sweep the eq more in my mix overall to tell what it's lacking. I always feel like I have to much EVERYTHING and ozone sorta scoops a lot of my LOUD frequencies!

Still just having trouble mixing and I don't wanna use this as a crutch but I really like what's it's done for me.

just make sure you get the sound perfect from the start
make sure you get the BEST amp sound you like..jam with that tone for about 4 min. flat.. or get the butt buddy guitar player to do it..

then monitor it on your headphones with the mic infront of the cab .. and chances are..its gunna sound different.. so treak the amp settings to have it sound the same as it did when you were just jamming with it

cause mics will give a sound different characteristics.
get some good sound quality and isolated headphones
like AT MTH 50's
DUDE....SAME...HERE hahahaha

when I turn off izotope, everythings so boring and dull, and then turn it on and BAM, my recordings are brought to life....
I like setting the limiter to "clipping". So clear. I like the eq too - I always use it in digital mode. Not a fan of the multiband comp - I usually use just 2 bands with a crossover at 100hz and that works fine. Great plugin overall - definitely my favourite limiter - even over massey, maxim and sony oxford.
I love Ozone. It's easy as hell and effective. But lately I've been trying not to use it because it makes me leave a lot of things undone until the mastering stage.

Very cool for previewing possible masters in the mixing stage, but makes also very easy overdoing things.
I use it on all my projects...great plugin. And my results are pretty good with need to feel like you're cheating...