Anyone who lives in Norway

I have an inexplicable hatred for Krigloch, because I picture this fat American who wishes he was a Viking with his cool Norse imagery, pretentious folk music (with Nile thrown in) and shit. No offence, I'm sure I'm way off.
ender7227 said:
He's probably be a fun guy to hang around but he's not a very original person.

Hahahaha. So people have to be original to be of worth? Krig is a fine guy. Demeaning him over a matter of his tastes in music/imagery is fucking pathetic to be honest. Respect/admiration for the enduring/traditional endearing qualities of European cultures isn't that difficult to comprehend even if one doesn't subcribe to it oneself. Give it a shot.
Demilich said:
Hahahaha. So people have to be original to be of worth? Krig is a fine guy. Demeaning him over a matter of his tastes in music/imagery is fucking pathetic to be honest. Respect/admiration for the enduring/traditional endearing qualities of European cultures isn't that difficult to comprehend even if one doesn't subcribe to it oneself. Give it a shot.
There's nothing wrong with not being original, just because you aren't an original person doesn't mean you can't be a fine, fun person. Krig is a fine guy, from what I know of him. And European cultures kick ass, from what little I know of them.
Hammer of Might said:
I have an inexplicable hatred for Krigloch, because I picture this fat American who wishes he was a Viking with his cool Norse imagery, pretentious folk music (with Nile thrown in) and shit. No offence, I'm sure I'm way off.

Elm Street used to be alright, but not anymore. They play nothing but cock rock there, now... :(

Apparently, it's to scare away Fenriz, 'cause he's not really a nice guy...
ender7227 said:
My jizz on your tits ftw

I've wanted to say that for a while.

Its even funnier coz it says kick ass with my jizz on your tits :kickass:
Structure Devine said:
First of all your awesome. Your country is awesome. Thats why I'm coming there for the next two weeks. The reason I'm posting this is.

I'm a metal head, I've never been to Europe before. Yes I know I need to go hang out at Elm Street in Oslo. But does anyone know of any local shows going anywhere between June 20th and July 1st?

I would love to hang out and have a beer and possibly meet some cool blond metal chicks. :rock:

Also if you just want to show a stupid American around, that would be cool. I'll be going to Oslo and Bergen and not sure where inbetween. I'm kind of letting things happen.
Its silly to paint Norway as some mysterious "mecca" of metal enlightenment. Its just a place where some kids, having absolutely nothing else to fucking do, started up a small scene of poorly-composed, under-rehearsed "bands" back in the early nineties. A few members of that initial scene (the less-mature ones) went out and did some bad shit in the name of their "scene", got busted, and gained some press-induced notoriety.
Norway has beautiful countryside, just go there for your inspiration. Oslo is just a shithole, no other than any dirty city. Nowadays you're much more liable to run into some silly Eminem-listening wiggers down on Elm Street rather than the next Euronimous or Varg. Trust me.