Apparent band/album preferences of UM members vs. common metalheads

Speaking of Manilla Road, I had a conversation with a long-haired guy today who knew about Manilla Road. He said he hated power metal, then I said I liked som American stuff like Manilla Road, and then he said "oh yeah Necropolis". I was very baffled as I rarely meet people with that level of metal knowledge in real life (yes even the dressed up people you meet at shows are usually just fronting posers), it was surreal almost.
One of my friends brothers came into the store that I work at and said "Is that really a Manilla Road shirt?".
They get a lot of attention online, but they also recorded the best metal song of all time, so they kinda deserve it.
Repugnant and Sacramentum seem to be more liked here than anywhere else I've seen, and that's of course a good thing.
Dark fortress blows massive monkey cock and doesn't even bother to swallow

I probably wouldn't go THAT far, but they suck, yeah. The band is incredibly bland and has basically nothing interesting in their music, except the genre itself. I once tried getting into them after a friend of mine was praising how awesome they were. I listened one or two songs from almost all their albums and there wasn't a single "Wow, that's a great riff/melody!"-moment, and after a few minutes I couldn't remember anything of it.
Master and Absu are well praised here and Sinister certainly respected.


I've read a few good comments about Absu, and some of their albums posted on "Albums currently kicking your ass", which is great, but I rarely see Master mentioned. Or Sinister, as a matter of fact.

I think a lot of GMD posters don't consider Absu a top Black Metal band, as I do.
I rarely see Master mentioned.

Sorry for the large size, but I wanted to make sure it was easily readable.

Yeah, the first issue actually came out about this time a year ago. Unfortunately we couldn't really afford to press more than 100 copies. I hope to get it reissued possibly, and I'm looking for label support to release a second issue that I'm working on. That's part of an article from the first issue.
Nunslaughter seems to be way more appreciated locally than on the internet. I barely can recall seeing them mentioned on this site. I would also say that local crowds are more appreciative of bands that are Motorhead worship, while the internet usually requires it to be recontextualized into extreme metal before they drool over it.

Master and Absu definitely get a fair shake online, and having attended a couple of Master shows, they seem to be doing fine locally as well.

Macabre, for being as old as they are, is not really appreciated locally or on the internet.