Apparent band/album preferences of UM members vs. common metalheads

actually i think the name is pretty cool ...

"The name Animals as Leaders was inspired by Daniel Quinn's 1992 novel Ishmael, which addresses anthropocentrism. Abasi coined the name as a reminder "that we're all essentially animals"

The meaning behind the name might be good, but some names just sound terrible.
I think it sounds good tbh. I don't see what's wrong w/ it at all.
That Animal as Leaders track was fucking great! Much like Necroraven, I had a misconception that they were some crappy mallcore band simply because of the name. I shall now repent.
Technical for the sake of technical is a huge copout, not all technical music is "souless". And since when does music have to have "soul" in it? And what is that exactly? There are varying degrees of melody in all music, some are just harder to distinguish between others.
I enjoy AAL, but there's only a couple tracks I like off that album, the rest was pretty similar. haven't spun it in a long time though, he sure does get a lot of praise

QFT my thoughts exactly.

I find Tosin Abasi to be extremely overrated. Good, but i wouldnt consider him one of the best guitarists like a lot of others do nowadays.

but yea, that track is their best, and its fucking awesome.

Technical for the sake of technical soulless bullshit.

dude, have you listened to their album? "Technical for the sake of technical" is the absolute last thing that album is.
Technical for the sake of technical is a huge copout, not all technical music is "souless". And since when does music have to have "soul" in it? And what is that exactly? There are varying degrees of melody in all music, some are just harder to distinguish between others.

he didn't say all technical music is souless. but rather music that is technical for the sake of being technical is souless. I agree. constant incessant virtuosity, sweep picking, et al is fucking annoying and shallow.
Well I enjoyed the video one time as it's fun to watch them play that stuff. But the song itself is shitty and I would never put it on my ipod or whatever.