appetite suppressants/diet pills...


i have pretty much no self-control so i can't stick to diets or a work-out routine for too long. well, i'm better with the working out than i am with the diets/watching what i eat... and it seems like the only time i really lost any weight was when i was living in pittsburgh and eating next to nothing.
diets are seriously the dumbest way to lose weight. starving yourself is never a good thing and if you can get the willpower to do a real diet (good food not no food) and excercise you can eat and enjoy it, i'm the laziest sack of shit ever and even i can make the time and use the effort to work out.
i like working out, i just always manage to totally negate the effects of my workout with what i eat when i get home, which means im usually eating the most later in the evening. soo... i'm thinking i need something else.
I agree with Max, fuck that noiseeeee Laura! You're beautiful and have a lovely figure. Don't get all fanatical. I think you're best with working out, as opposed to diet pills or something else like that. You said you like working out too, so you're on the right track.

Be healthy, and be happy because you're tres sexy.
Sounds like it's more an insecurity issue than a weight issue to me, because like everyone else says, you look fine. Working out to maintain health is one thing... working out because you think you need to lose weight when you relaly don't is a completely different story.
If you REALLY wanna deal with a good diet, it's easy. Big breakfast, medium lunch, small dinner. No snacking. Go to the gym inbetween lunch and dinner. Avoid eating meat everyday, eat it 2 or 3 times a week, no more than 5oz of meat each meal. Lots of fish, again, no more than 5oz. Vegetables with dinner, fruit with breakfast and lunch. Stay away from cheese as much as possible.

Avoiding lunch is okay on days that you don't go to the gym.
...and Laura, you look fantastic. You should always be happy with who you are.
You do not need to lose weight, (because you're NOT fat) but maybe you need to do tonning... and lemme tell you.. tonning only comes from working out and eating healthy...
I agree with Tyler's way: big breakfast, medium lunch, and light dinner.
try it! Don't get dicouraged when going to the gym seems like: "too much work" and you can't see results... stick to it... there is NO MIRACLE WAY, NEVER

(and you really do look great, L!)
i try a lot of that stuff. i get on these kicks like "i'll eat salad all the time!" or "i'll eat granola bars at work instead of candy!" or "i'll just drink water during work instead of eating!" and i do that... for like 2 days. and then i just don't feel like doing it anymore. i need some kind of constant.
so if you don't have will power, why do you think diet pills will work?
Do you think you'll eat candy/ fast food and the diet pill will work int he background, burning all this fat and carbs magically?

Laura... the recent picture you posted in the mirror/daily thread, you are NOT fat- I hope you trully know this. and I hope you realize you look GREAT
We all (we= women) have problematic areas, but to lose the fat in those areas, you must eat HEALTHY and work out. gaah: how many times do we hear this?
"eat a lot of vegtables, work out, stay away from junk food" there is no magic with tonning and looking the way you want, Laura...
You need to replace the fat with muscles and the only way to do it......................
It's not hard to stop... go to the gym REGULARLY: and when you'll see how much hard work you put into burning 250 calories, you'll think twice before eating that Mars bar...

Eating healthy may seem hard at first, but the more you'll get into it, you'll realize how great you feel, never bloated, never stuffed until you can't move, you'll be less tired,
you'll start seeing results, and you'll get into it...

You can do it!!! :)
I agree, Laura you look great! No need for diets and other such stuff.

If you work out in the morning before breakfast your body will go straight to its fat stores for the energy. Working out in the morning will take more motivation and will be harder becase you don't have that much energy and high blood sugar, but it burns fat, not uses the food you ate that day for energy.
Now that it is summer, I usually work out in the morning, i get up near noon, grab a bananana, go work out, eat a salad or so, then fill myself up around 6 or 7 in the evening. Not the healthiest thing, but it works for me. But everybody's metabolism is different. You can try it my way, or tyler's way but it doesn't really matter, you look great!