appetite suppressants/diet pills...

Eating good stuff and not over eating, combined with exercising is the key. It has nothing to do with when, what, how, where and why. Sticking to a routine like Tyler suggested is almost as difficult as a diet - it becomes an effort, rather than a lifestyle.

Now, to counter balance what's been said here regarding diet pills, I think the area is worth exploring. Now I gotta say I think you look pretty sexy as it is, and would hope your realise that too. That considered, there are natural things that can suppress appetite, and some of them are reasonably fine. I wouldn't buy them from a supermarket, but see if you can find a holistic medicine centre, or even a Chinese medicine centre, they often carry natural herbs that can be made into a fine cup of tea that can level out blood sugar, making you less hungry.

It's not quackery, for many of these remedies have been in use for a millenia, or more. I make Oolong tea based on various herbs that I get from such places, and they've personally helped me no end in the few medical ailments I do have.
Eating good stuff and not over eating, combined with exercising is the key. It has nothing to do with when, what, how, where and why. Sticking to a routine like Tyler suggested is almost as difficult as a diet - it becomes an effort, rather than a lifestyle.

Now, to counter balance what's been said here regarding diet pills, I think the area is worth exploring. Now I gotta say I think you look pretty sexy as it is, and would hope your realise that too. That considered, there are natural things that can suppress appetite, and some of them are reasonably fine. I wouldn't buy them from a supermarket, but see if you can find a holistic medicine centre, or even a Chinese medicine centre, they often carry natural herbs that can be made into a fine cup of tea that can level out blood sugar, making you less hungry.

It's not quackery, for many of these remedies have been in use for a millenia, or more. I make Oolong tea based on various herbs that I get from such places, and they've personally helped me no end in the few medical ailments I do have.

I aree with derek regarding that "it has nothing to do with what when and where" It's really all about balance... (and working out... )
don't over eat, and don't eat a bag of chips or a jug of ice cream at ten at night...
With that being said: if you keep a healthy balanced diet, obviously, you can eat a snack at night here and there without noticing even a gram to your weight..
If you keep a balanced diet and healthy eating 85% of the time, you can enjoy the other 15% to enjoy other foods who are awesome and not so good for you...
Laura, I'm sure that nothing we say here is news to you... but diet pills in my opinion, is a cheap way of "tricking" yourself or to curve appetite, where really, this "curve apptite" and 'understanding' regarding
food, needs to come from within you...
trust me: KNOWING that you should eat healthy is the best diet in the whole world...
Pretty much what everyone already said. Diet pills suck, and don't work. I'll say it too, you don't need to lose weight!

Me, when my appetite is out of control, I drink coffee. Hell, I drink coffee for a number of other reasons besides that. Just plain old coffee with the fake cream and the fake sugar. After drinking coffee this way since I was 19 the only way I want the real sugar is when I get a latte or Cappuccino. And I almost never get either of those. It's a rare treat. It's been over a year since I've had one now. When I first started using equal in my coffee and drinking diet soda I hated it. But now I hate regular soda, and I hate real sugar in my regular everyday coffee. I also use equal on my cereal and fruit as well. It will become a habit and anything else will become disgusting to you.

Of course I'm only even saying all this crap because it's healthy to cut your sugar intake. But, you so don't need to lose weight. Now, I'm not going lecture you on how many times a day to eat, because allot of people think that I am a real bad eater when it comes to small meals. But, I'm also a short little fucker so I have that excuse. If you full your full right? But, everyone else gave excellent advice on that so there is really nothing new for me to add.

Big thing on Salads that I have to add though. Those damn salads can be misleading as hell. Taco bell salad is the worst thing you could eat there. That would be my best example. If you want to change your diet I would do allot of reading about it. You will find that allot of the things you enjoy might not be bad for you, and the stuff you thought were good for you are actually bad. Like burger kings grilled chicken sandwich or BK broiler, I think that is what it's called. You might as well get a whopper if your going to eat that grilled chicken sandwich. I have no idea how they screwed up grilled chicken but they did. The Jr. Whopper is usually my choice, and a diet soda. If I'm really being bad I get a small onion ring with that, but I try not to. Honestly though fast food is also somthing I rarely do I've only had it once in the past four months.

The last thing I have to say on it is be prepared to do allot of cooking. Allot of what you get out or already made in the store is going to have more bull shit in it then what you would make at home.

But please believe what people are saying here, Laura. I do not think they would lie to you.
let me just say something really wuick about salads, I eat them a lot, but you know, there is no bloody lettuce in my salad...
lettuce has NOTHING in it but water... nothing substencial and with fiber that is good for you (iceberg lettuce is prolly the lamest thing in any grocery store)
make salads that are based on REAL VEGGIES: cut some bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage (cabbage should be your best friend... so good, so filling and so low on calories. Plus, it's so healthy!)
add some parsley ot some dark leafy greens, some broccoli, or raddishes, : and there you have it: the perfect dinner salad that can be consumed by itself!
let me just say something really wuick about salads, I eat them a lot, but you know, there is no bloody lettuce in my salad...
lettuce has NOTHING in it but water... nothing substencial and with fiber that is good for you (iceberg lettuce is prolly the lamest thing in any grocery store)
make salads that are based on REAL VEGGIES: cut some bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage (cabbage should be your best friend... so good, so filling and so low on calories. Plus, it's so healthy!)
add some parsley ot some dark leafy greens, some broccoli, or raddishes, : and there you have it: the perfect dinner salad that can be consumed by itself!

I love that spring mix stuff for salad better then anything. I've always found you have to eat it real fast before it goes bad though.
Diet suppressant pills are completely worthless, and potentially dangerous.
There's nothing wrong with eating. The body needs fuel. Many nutritionists will even recommend eating around 6 meals a day (like 3 actual meals, and 3 smaller meals in between), so the body has a consistent stream of energy, which helps with the metabolism and prevents fatigue. It will also help keep you from eating something crappy on impulse.
The main problem is with what you eat. High glycemic, high sugar, low fiber, processed foods should generally be avoided
Try to stick to foods that are as close to their natural state as possible, are low glycemic (like whole grains, buckwheat, quinoa, brown rice etc), contains fiber, and minimal processing. Eat lots of fresh produce, stay away from CAFO-meats and raised fish. Definitely avoid soda and candy bars (a little chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa is actually good for you, in moderation).
White is also bad. White rice, white flour, white sugar, white potatoes etc
The number one problem everyone has is OVER EATING. Eat when you're hungry and enough to "tie you over."
Ripped Fuel. You'll lose like ten pounds in a week, but it's mainly water weight and in another month it will all be back again.

Also, it's basically legalized just boosts your metabolism so everything you eat is completely burned off and you are hyper all the time. I remember not being able to type on my keyboard at work one time because my hands were shaking so badly. I would only recommend taking that if you need to lose weight before a bodybuilding show or something extreme like that, but not normal stuff.

Just stay away from carbs, eat a healthy portion of meat and veggies, exercise regularly. You'll be fine. I completely negate all of this because I live in Italy and eating is a historic pastime here, so there's no dieting or shit like that. You'll seriously offend people if you turn away food. However, the food here is extremely healthy and natural, so you can eat whatever you want basically and it's not going anywhere.

Also, homemade stuff is the best. Stay away from anything instant, microwaveable, fast food, etc. Cook.
Ripped Fuel. You'll lose like ten pounds in a week, but it's mainly water weight and in another month it will all be back again.

Also, it's basically legalized just boosts your metabolism so everything you eat is completely burned off and you are hyper all the time. I remember not being able to type on my keyboard at work one time because my hands were shaking so badly. I would only recommend taking that if you need to lose weight before a bodybuilding show or something extreme like that, but not normal stuff.

Just stay away from carbs, eat a healthy portion of meat and veggies, exercise regularly. You'll be fine. I completely negate all of this because I live in Italy and eating is a historic pastime here, so there's no dieting or shit like that. You'll seriously offend people if you turn away food. However, the food here is extremely healthy and natural, so you can eat whatever you want basically and it's not going anywhere.

Also, homemade stuff is the best. Stay away from anything instant, microwaveable, fast food, etc. Cook.

"Chris I agree with anything you wrote here but the part about: "stay away from carbs" If Laura was 400 pounds right now, I'd probably say the same thing to her, but she is not!! Carbs are important in any diet, just don't eat a whole loaf of bread or 500g of pasta box....

Laura, I know it's probably tiring to read this thread, because *everyone* has a great advice about diets and food habbits... At some point, once you'll get really into it, you'll find your own routine.

Also: a lot of times, eating healthy or being on a diet, means "planning ahead" - It means that you'll have to start going to the grocery store and start buying healthier things. It means that you'll have to get up 20 min earlier to prepare some chopped veggies for lunch, and to pack that light sour cream to eat with it, so you'll have your own healthy snacks instead of the vending machines... I know it sounds like a drag, but what's better?
seeing results and see your jeans size drops, and feel great, or some easy handy junk from 7/11?

Laura, but really, you look fantastic. I swear! :)