appetite suppressants/diet pills...

Have to agree with aderall.Iam on it legally with my doc..And i have gone from 180+ to my high school weight of 167lb,s and holding there...Good breakfast in the morning/Take aderall/fruit and yogurt for lunch/Lots of water all day,And a small portion dinner so you dont go to bed full.Aderall inproves brain function if you have any a.d.d.tendincies and makes you as sharp as a tack.Workes for me..........:kickass:
there is one side effect that isnt advertised:

You just might get to play bass for Nevermore at some point!

I pay attention to my diet now.And was responsible, I had my dose changed from 30mg to 20mg You want to get to normal not to buzzed.And yes Will,. aderall helped me learn all those nevermore songs.Aderall is a big part of my being able to go to europe and japan.The focus and attention to detail i now have allows a foggy headed bass player to finely play to his potential,,,,,,yeah!
Foggy headedness... I wonder what that was from haha
I seem to remember a brief encounter with a certain bassist at the one time New Jersey Metalfest...

"Howdoes this ffucking pen work?!"