Applying for studio work

This DUDE? :lol: ..... W/e ..

It was for "Sparkyness"

he is Leonel Messi,one of the best soccer players ^^' and he is drinking tea?

Oh yeah, cuz it's totally likely an American would know some Euro soccer/"football" player by a pic of him standing in his living room :rolleyes: (though before you accuse me of jingoism, I should mention that I don't follow any American sports either, so I'm an equal-opportunity apathist!)
Don't expect that your education will get you a job at a studio. Sometimes it makes it worse. You have to start at the bottom as an unpaid intern/runner/teaboy and work your ass off before you get the privilege of being a junior assistant engineer getting minimum wage or less.

I worked as an unpaid intern twice a week for 3 months until another job offer came up. Next intern got hired fulltime after 2 weeks of interning. Only difference between me and him was he was a goofball that was constantly smiling, and I was a misanthropist with depression.
I'm not sure if that is helpful at all.
I worked as an unpaid intern twice a week for 3 months until another job offer came up. Next intern got hired fulltime after 2 weeks of interning. Only difference between me and him was he was a goofball that was constantly smiling, and I was a misanthropist with depression.
I'm not sure if that is helpful at all.

Hahahaha, there's a motivational poster of sorts at a McDonald's near me that's a big golden anthropomorphized star with a big smile that says "Smile! Attitude is everything!" - I guess they should've had one at the studio you were at :p
cheers guys for all the advise!

Don't expect that your education will get you a job at a studio. Sometimes it makes it worse. You have to start at the bottom as an unpaid intern/runner/teaboy and work your ass off before you get the privilege of being a junior assistant engineer getting minimum wage or less.

my education wont do shit lol i'm wondering wether its even worth going to uni after my gap year to study it further. you guys have helped get me to a point were i'm teaching my teachers, and its pissing me off lol

i dunno if its worth forcing myself to go somewhere that might look amazing, but end up teaching me shit, and cost me a few grand.

The best tea is either Yorkshire tea, milk and two sugars.
spot on! my whole family have a slight obsession with tea lol its weird
took me a year as an intern before i was even allowed to even run a session. Lot of tea and lots of running to the shops. Just get an mbox and learn pro tools back to front and then when the time comes that you land the perfect gig you will be 100% prepared.

Really cannot stress how important it is to know pro tools back to front, its a pure necessity in todays good studios, well at least 95% of UK studios.

Interning sucks major balls but it does allow you to gradually develop t he people skills needed to do the job. I learned a great deal from watching other people work, but the sad thing is a degree ain't gonna get you a free ride. Me and Greyskull are living proof! hah (we studied our degree's together in Music).